“The Word On Prayer” Matt 6:9-13

Who do you turn to in your time of concern, joy, sorrow or relief?

  1. PRAYER IS ONE FORM OF C______________________.
    1. Jesus warned about what N____ to do in prayer. Matthew 6:5-8
    2. Jesus gave a S_________ prayer to outline important features.
      1. Praise of God.
      2. Requests for self.
      3. Requests for others.
      4. Thanksgiving to God.
    3. We pray to God because we need His H______ with everything.  Genesis 4:26; Philippians 4:6; Hebrews 11:6
    4. Jesus E______________  us to pray to God, our loving Father.                                   Matthew 7:7-8; I Timothy 2:1; I Thessalonians 5:17-18
      1. Pray with P_______ hearts and clean hands. Psalm 66:18;                 I Timothy 2:8                                                                                      I John 1:9
      2. Hear and O______ God’s will without doubt. I John 3: 22; Prov. 28:9
      3. Pray H__________ with our heart inside of God’s will. Matthew 26:39f       I John 5:14                                                            Romans 8:26f
      4. Pray fervently and with P_________________. James 5:16-18
      5. E. We must be U_______________ in our motives. James 4:3
      6. Pray in the name of J_____. Hebrews 10:19;  John 14:6;                 I Timothy 2:5;                                       Acts 4:12
      7. B___________ in the prayers we make. Mark 11:24; James 1:6-7
      8. Pray with a F________________ spirit. Matthew 6:14-15

In Christ, pray continually, connecting with your source of life.

“The Word On Giving” Psalm 24:1-2

How much money should you give as an offering and how often? 

  1. E___________________ Belongs To God. 
    1. God is the Creator of the… U___________. Gen. 1; Heb. 1:3; Rev.20:11 
    2. M_______reminded Israel… God owns everything. Dt. 10:14; Ps. 50:9f 
    3. God S_____________that He owned all…. Leviticus 25:23; Ezekiel 29:9; Haggai 2:8; Ezekiel 18:4; I Corinthians 6:19-20; I Chronicles 29:11.
  2. People Are C____________ (Stewards) Of God’s World. Gen. 1:28; 2:15
    1. Every Israelite family was given permanent P______________. 
    2. God gives T___________ to everybody… for His glory. Matthew 25:14f 
    3. Good Stewards of God use their talents to help O_______. I Peter 4:10 
    4. Christian Stewards… be F____________ to God. I Cor. 4:2; Prov. 3:5-10
  3. The Almighty God is Continually G__________ To People. 
    1. God gives Christians all things to E_____ in Him. I Tim. 6:17f; Phil. 4:11f  
    2. God freely gives W___________ to those who seek it. James 1:5  
    3. God gave His S____, Jesus, as Savior for all believers. John 3:16 
    4. God gives Christians His S_________ to help us. Acts 2:38  
  4. Past H_________ of Faith Give Us A Pattern of Loving God.
    1. A____ offered a sacrifice of the firstborn…. Genesis 4:4; Hebrews 11:4
    2. Noah sacrificed several clean A_________ and birds. Genesis 9:20
    3. Abram gave a T__________ of all his victory spoils. Genesis 14:18f
    4. Jacob V_______ to give God 10% of his possessions. Gen. 28:20f; 33:20
    5. God established tithes and O______________ in the Mosaic Law.
  5. Give With Our F__________ Anchored In God. Luke 6:38
    1. Jesus commands us to L______ each other like He loves. John 13:34-35
    2. Christians freely G_______ to fellow believers in need. Acts 2:45
    3. God loves C_________________ givers. II Corinthians 9:6-15

“Who Will You Choose” by Guest Pastor Eldon Shaw

“Who Will You Choose”

Who will you choose?

Daniel, David, Noah, Joseph, Jonah or Moses?

How do we hear from God?

We are to be a _________________

What’s the dumbest thing you have done?

How do we know this story is true?

God is a God of __________________________.

Conclusion: I pray you will make the right choice.

“The Word on The Lord’s Supper” Matthew 26:26 – 29

“The Word on The Lord’s Supper”      Matthew 26:26 – 29

  1. JESUS D_______________  AND INSTITUTED THE LORD’S SUPPER.Colossians 1:15fA.
    1. The entire Bible is C_______________on Jesus Christ.Genesis 3:15; John 1:1-4, 14; 14:6
    2. The Passover pictured details of the cost of R_______________.
    3. Jesus R_____________the meaning of Passover before He died. Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:17-20; I Corinthians 11:23-30
    4. Bread and Juice R______________the body and blood of Christ.Hebrews 7:27; John 6:63II.
  2. Jesus Wants His Disciples To R________________Him Constantly.
    1. When we use these E___________, we are to remember Jesus.
    2. This memorial is to continue until Jesus R_____________.  I Corinthians 16:23f
    3. S___________shows the church having communion on Sunday.Acts 2:46; Acts 20:7; Justin Martyr; I Corinthians 16:1III.
  3. Believers Are To Be C____________When Sharing At The Table.
    1. Communion is only commanded for B_____________of Christ.
    2. Each participant is to J_______their own heart and life in Jesus.Matthew 5:23f; I John 1:8-10
    3. Believers must remember God’s  G___________through Jesus.Ephesians 2:8-10
    4. Every believer of Jesus Christ is made a P__________.I Peter 2:9-10

“The Word On Baptism” Mark 16:15-16

“The Word On Baptism” Mark 16:15-16

  1. Jesus C___________ His Followers To Baptize People. 28:18f
    1. Jesus issued the command by D______ John 14:6, 15
    2. The A________ obeyed Christ’s commands. Acts 2:38; 10:47f
    3. All 1st century B__________ of Christ were baptized into Him. Acts 2:38; 8:38; 9:18; 10:48; 16:33; 19:5
  2. What Is The P_____________ When Baptizing Believers?
    1. Scholars did not T__________ the meaning of the Greek word. Transliteration. Baptizo became “Baptism”
    2. Greek Baptizo: plunge, I________, sink, dipped, bury, submerge.
    3. Examination of the scriptures C__________ John 3:23;    Matthew 3:5-16; Mark 1:9f; Acts 8:39; Acts 10:46f
  3. Baptism Into Christ Has Several P_____________ In God’s Plan.
    1. Baptism is necessary for S__________. Mark 16:16; I Peter 3:21
    2. Believers baptized are F________ of all sin. Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:23
    3. God gives His S_______ to dwell in believers. Acts 2:38; 19:1f
    4. The baptized are R_________ as God’s children. John 3:3-6
    5. Baptism S___________ several actions. Romans 6:3f; Colossians 2:11-12; Galatians 3:27f.
  4. Baptism Alone Does Not S______ A Person.
    1. B__________ of Christ are to be immersed. Acts 8:37; Heb. 11:6
    2. R___________ is required for every person. Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3f
    3. Baptized believers must be W_________ for Jesus. Mat. 10:32-33
    4. Christians must C________ all sin that enters their life. I John 1:8f
    5. Followers of Christ must keep L_________ about Jesus. Mat.28:19
    6. Be F__________ all the way to your death or His return. Rev.2:10

“The Word On the Repentance” Ezekiel 18:30-32

“The Word On the Repentance” Ezekiel 18:30-32

Genesis 5 – 7                                              II Peter 2:5f

    1. (Greek) Metanoia: means, C_______ the mind. Philippians 4:8-9
    2. Every person B_________ with sinful desires. Romans 3:9f
    3. Repenting from sin prepares us for God’s Acts 2:38
  2. SOME PEOPLE M________________ TRUE REPENTANCE.
    1. Repentance is not just S_________ for what is done. II Cor. 7:9f
    2. Repentance is not just R_______________. Matthew 3:8
    3. Repentance is not just F_______. Acts 24:24-27
  3. WHAT M_____________ A PERSON TO REPENT?
    1. God’s Spirit attempts to C__________ hearts… John 16:8f; 10:3f
    2. Some hit a point of despair that W_______.. II Cor. 7:10
    3. Some turn to Christ after hearing the E___________. Mt. 28:19
  4. REPENTANCE REQUIRES ACTS OF R_______________.
    1. The evidence of repentance is G____ F_____. Mt. 3:8; Gal. 5:19f
    2. A person’s D____ must reflect the changes. Acts 26:20; Jn. 14:15
    3. Believers correct injustices they C________. Lk. 19:8f; Mt. 7:12.
    4. … must be a part of our R___________ I Jn. 1:8f; Rom. 7-8
    1. Guard our hearts against P____. Prov. 16:18f; Acts 7:51; Mt.18:3
    2. Personal sinful desires continue to tempt H_______. Rom. 7:7f
    3. P_________________ is 1 of Satan’s best tools. Acts 22:16
    4. False teachers & misguided D________ will waylay us. Rom. 6:1

“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

  1. The World is in C______________ about what the Church Is.
      1. We must first clarify the M__________ of the word, “Church.”
      2. Jesus identified the Church that leads to eternal L______.
        1. The Greek word for church: “the C_________ out ones.”
        2. Jesus A__________ the term for His followers set free from sin.
        3. The best church is the one that S_______ a person through Jesus.
        4. Individuals are A_______ to Christ’s church by God. (Acts 2:47)
        5. Christians gathered within C_______________ are called churches.
      3. Jesus established O____ Church centered on Himself. Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-6; Acts 9:31; Romans 16:4-5, 16; Colossians 1:18
  2. The Church Began on P____________ After Christ Arose. Daniel 2:44-45
    1. In our text, Jesus was referring to His F__________
    2. Apostles had to wait in Jerusalem for God’s P__________. Acts1:4f
    3. Jesus is the H______ of the church body. Ephesians 1:20-23
    4. The church of Jesus reveals God’s W_________ to us. Ephesians 3:8f
    5. Any church not centered on Jesus and the Bible is a D____________.
  3. How Does A Person K______ Which Churches Are of Christ?
    1. Only Jesus can give eternal L______ to people. John 14:6
    2. Followers of Jesus must keep all of His C____________. John 14:15
    3. Jesus prepared and sent His A____________ to spread His message. Matthew 28:18f; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Timothy 3:16-17
    4. O_____ all of the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.     John 6:68; Galatians 1:8-9; Hebrews 10:26f
  4. Jesus Expects His Followers to Be A__________ In His Church.
    1. Jesus’ church is His B_______ doing His will. Colossians 1:18
    2. Every Christian receives one or more G____ to help the body. I Cor. 12
    3. The church is to work together in reaching the W_________.
    4. Warning: do not N__________ meeting with believers. Hebrews 10:25f

“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

  1. The V_______ Birth of Jesus Verifies He Is the Savior.
    1. All human births require T___ contributing parents. Luke 1:34
    2. Jesus is the W_____ of God who put on human flesh. John 1:1-14
    3. Jesus F___________ all prophecies… Dan. 11-12; Mic. 5:2; Hos. 11:1
  2. Jesus Lived A S________ Life As The Son Of The Perfect God.
    1. Jesus was required to keep the strict M________
    2. He faced every T______________ without giving in. Hebrews 4:15
    3. Sanhedrin failed to condemn Jesus on F_______ Mt. 26:59f
  3. The T_____________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Listened To Him.
    1. Age T__________, Jesus amazed the Temple teachers. Luke 2:46-47
    2. Nicodemus, a M_________ of the Sanhedrin …believed He was from God. John 3:1-2
    3. Multitudes of people F_____________ Jesus to hear… Mt. 14:13-21
  4. The M___________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Witnessed His Help.
    1. Jesus was able to fully H______ all types of sickness & disease.
    2. Jesus was able to fully R____________ lost abilities of people.
    3. Jesus had Divine P___________ over every unseen force.
    4. Jesus D_____________ His power over sin and death.
  5. Jesus Provided the Final Atoning D_________ For Every Sin.
    1. … identified as the promised R_____________. Isaiah 53; Mat. 1:21
    2. Jesus claimed to be the S_________ of humanity. John 3:16f; 14:6
    3. Jesus G_____ His life as the perfect Lamb of God. Ephesians 1:4
    4. He paid the full P_______ of death for every sin. Romans 6:23
  6. His Resurrection From D________ Is Proof Of His Power.
    1. Roman S_______ guarding His tomb could not keep Him in. Mt. 27:62f
    2. Jesus presented Himself A_______ to hundreds… I Corinthians 15:1f
    3. Eleven Apostles watched Jesus F________ into heaven. John 14:1

“The Word of Life” I John 1:1-4

“The Word of Life” I John 1:1-4

  1. That which was from the B_____________ , (John 1:1-2)
    1. …which we have heard, which we have seen with O___ E____,     (Luke 1:1)
    2. …which we have looked at and our hands have T___________. (John 20:19-28) (Luke 24:40-43; 30-31
    3. – this we proclaim concerning the W_____O___L________ .            (John 6:63; 10:10)
  1. The life A_____________; (Hebrews 2:14) we have S_____ it and T________ to it, and we P__________ to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has A_____________ to us.  (John 1:14)
  2. We P____________ to you what we have seen and heard, (I Corinthians 15:3-8)  so that you also may have F_________________ with us.        (Matthew 28:19-20)     And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
  3. We write this to make our J____ C_____________ .



“People of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-3, 6

“People of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-3, 6

Does it matter what a person believes?

    1. God Expects and Requires That We Believe He E________. V.6
    2. God Continues to Prove He Exists N____. Psalm 19
    1. Faith is not I_____________ from our ancestors. Psalm 19
    2. Faith begins S______ and grows at different rates. Matthew 17.
    3. The 12 apostles learned to develop their faith thru
    4. We are to develop our faith by O__________ Biblical teachings.
    1. N______ couldn’t check the National Weather Service …
    2. D______did not take time to review the fighting style of Goliath.
    3. God helped M_________ overcome his lack of faith.
    4. D________didn’t check the feeding schedule of the king’s lions.
    5. S___________ did not hold back the words of truth. John 3:16

If you want eternal life, believe in Jesus who lives forever! We don’t see Him now, but we have the testimony of those who lived with Him and saw Him victorious over the grave!