“The Word On the Repentance” Ezekiel 18:30-32

“The Word On the Repentance” Ezekiel 18:30-32

Genesis 5 – 7                                              II Peter 2:5f

    1. (Greek) Metanoia: means, C_______ the mind. Philippians 4:8-9
    2. Every person B_________ with sinful desires. Romans 3:9f
    3. Repenting from sin prepares us for God’s Acts 2:38
  2. SOME PEOPLE M________________ TRUE REPENTANCE.
    1. Repentance is not just S_________ for what is done. II Cor. 7:9f
    2. Repentance is not just R_______________. Matthew 3:8
    3. Repentance is not just F_______. Acts 24:24-27
  3. WHAT M_____________ A PERSON TO REPENT?
    1. God’s Spirit attempts to C__________ hearts… John 16:8f; 10:3f
    2. Some hit a point of despair that W_______.. II Cor. 7:10
    3. Some turn to Christ after hearing the E___________. Mt. 28:19
  4. REPENTANCE REQUIRES ACTS OF R_______________.
    1. The evidence of repentance is G____ F_____. Mt. 3:8; Gal. 5:19f
    2. A person’s D____ must reflect the changes. Acts 26:20; Jn. 14:15
    3. Believers correct injustices they C________. Lk. 19:8f; Mt. 7:12.
    4. … must be a part of our R___________ I Jn. 1:8f; Rom. 7-8
    1. Guard our hearts against P____. Prov. 16:18f; Acts 7:51; Mt.18:3
    2. Personal sinful desires continue to tempt H_______. Rom. 7:7f
    3. P_________________ is 1 of Satan’s best tools. Acts 22:16
    4. False teachers & misguided D________ will waylay us. Rom. 6:1

“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

  1. The World is in C______________ about what the Church Is.
      1. We must first clarify the M__________ of the word, “Church.”
      2. Jesus identified the Church that leads to eternal L______.
        1. The Greek word for church: “the C_________ out ones.”
        2. Jesus A__________ the term for His followers set free from sin.
        3. The best church is the one that S_______ a person through Jesus.
        4. Individuals are A_______ to Christ’s church by God. (Acts 2:47)
        5. Christians gathered within C_______________ are called churches.
      3. Jesus established O____ Church centered on Himself. Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-6; Acts 9:31; Romans 16:4-5, 16; Colossians 1:18
  2. The Church Began on P____________ After Christ Arose. Daniel 2:44-45
    1. In our text, Jesus was referring to His F__________
    2. Apostles had to wait in Jerusalem for God’s P__________. Acts1:4f
    3. Jesus is the H______ of the church body. Ephesians 1:20-23
    4. The church of Jesus reveals God’s W_________ to us. Ephesians 3:8f
    5. Any church not centered on Jesus and the Bible is a D____________.
  3. How Does A Person K______ Which Churches Are of Christ?
    1. Only Jesus can give eternal L______ to people. John 14:6
    2. Followers of Jesus must keep all of His C____________. John 14:15
    3. Jesus prepared and sent His A____________ to spread His message. Matthew 28:18f; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Timothy 3:16-17
    4. O_____ all of the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.     John 6:68; Galatians 1:8-9; Hebrews 10:26f
  4. Jesus Expects His Followers to Be A__________ In His Church.
    1. Jesus’ church is His B_______ doing His will. Colossians 1:18
    2. Every Christian receives one or more G____ to help the body. I Cor. 12
    3. The church is to work together in reaching the W_________.
    4. Warning: do not N__________ meeting with believers. Hebrews 10:25f

“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

  1. The V_______ Birth of Jesus Verifies He Is the Savior.
    1. All human births require T___ contributing parents. Luke 1:34
    2. Jesus is the W_____ of God who put on human flesh. John 1:1-14
    3. Jesus F___________ all prophecies… Dan. 11-12; Mic. 5:2; Hos. 11:1
  2. Jesus Lived A S________ Life As The Son Of The Perfect God.
    1. Jesus was required to keep the strict M________
    2. He faced every T______________ without giving in. Hebrews 4:15
    3. Sanhedrin failed to condemn Jesus on F_______ Mt. 26:59f
  3. The T_____________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Listened To Him.
    1. Age T__________, Jesus amazed the Temple teachers. Luke 2:46-47
    2. Nicodemus, a M_________ of the Sanhedrin …believed He was from God. John 3:1-2
    3. Multitudes of people F_____________ Jesus to hear… Mt. 14:13-21
  4. The M___________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Witnessed His Help.
    1. Jesus was able to fully H______ all types of sickness & disease.
    2. Jesus was able to fully R____________ lost abilities of people.
    3. Jesus had Divine P___________ over every unseen force.
    4. Jesus D_____________ His power over sin and death.
  5. Jesus Provided the Final Atoning D_________ For Every Sin.
    1. … identified as the promised R_____________. Isaiah 53; Mat. 1:21
    2. Jesus claimed to be the S_________ of humanity. John 3:16f; 14:6
    3. Jesus G_____ His life as the perfect Lamb of God. Ephesians 1:4
    4. He paid the full P_______ of death for every sin. Romans 6:23
  6. His Resurrection From D________ Is Proof Of His Power.
    1. Roman S_______ guarding His tomb could not keep Him in. Mt. 27:62f
    2. Jesus presented Himself A_______ to hundreds… I Corinthians 15:1f
    3. Eleven Apostles watched Jesus F________ into heaven. John 14:1

“The Word of Life” I John 1:1-4

“The Word of Life” I John 1:1-4

  1. That which was from the B_____________ , (John 1:1-2)
    1. …which we have heard, which we have seen with O___ E____,     (Luke 1:1)
    2. …which we have looked at and our hands have T___________. (John 20:19-28) (Luke 24:40-43; 30-31
    3. – this we proclaim concerning the W_____O___L________ .            (John 6:63; 10:10)
  1. The life A_____________; (Hebrews 2:14) we have S_____ it and T________ to it, and we P__________ to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has A_____________ to us.  (John 1:14)
  2. We P____________ to you what we have seen and heard, (I Corinthians 15:3-8)  so that you also may have F_________________ with us.        (Matthew 28:19-20)     And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
  3. We write this to make our J____ C_____________ .



“People of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-3, 6

“People of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-3, 6

Does it matter what a person believes?

    1. God Expects and Requires That We Believe He E________. V.6
    2. God Continues to Prove He Exists N____. Psalm 19
    1. Faith is not I_____________ from our ancestors. Psalm 19
    2. Faith begins S______ and grows at different rates. Matthew 17.
    3. The 12 apostles learned to develop their faith thru
    4. We are to develop our faith by O__________ Biblical teachings.
    1. N______ couldn’t check the National Weather Service …
    2. D______did not take time to review the fighting style of Goliath.
    3. God helped M_________ overcome his lack of faith.
    4. D________didn’t check the feeding schedule of the king’s lions.
    5. S___________ did not hold back the words of truth. John 3:16

If you want eternal life, believe in Jesus who lives forever! We don’t see Him now, but we have the testimony of those who lived with Him and saw Him victorious over the grave!

“The Word On the Bible” I Thessalonians 2:13

“The Word On the Bible” I Thessalonians 2:13

    1. God wrote with His own F________. Exodus 24:12; Daniel 6
    2. God D________ various people to record His laws and words.
    3. The Bible is “God ” II Timothy 3:16-17
    4. God warns people to not C___________ His message. Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 21:18f.
    5. Peter claimed he was an eye W_______ of God in human flesh. II Peter 1:16, 20-21; John 1; Psalm 119:105
  2. Here are some F_____ about the Bible, a collection of 66 books.
    1. The Old Testament is a collection of ___
    2. The New Testament is a collection of ___
    3. God used ___ different men on 3 continents over @1500 years.
    4. Bible books are arranged in C____________, not chronological.
  3. People of the Past Did Not C________ the Message of the Bible.
    1. Jewish S________ followed extremely strict rules when copying.
    2. New Testament copyists treated their work with high
    3. Ancient texts are found in multiple L_________ with no change.
  4. Archaeology V__________ the Information of the Bible.
    1. C________ of the Bible claim that it gives wrong information.
    2. Archaeologists C___________ to uncover ancient cultures.
  5. Fulfilled P___________ of the Bible Verify its Divine Origins.
    1. God warned Noah to prepare for the world-wide F_______
    2. God promised A____________ the land of Canaan…
    3. God revealed to Daniel the reign of four earthly E__________
    4. Hundreds of prophesies foretold the coming of a S______ for all…

“SUMMERS ARE GOD’S, TOO!” Hebrews 10:19 – 39

“SUMMERS ARE GOD’S, TOO!” Hebrews 10:19 – 39

Everything and everyone belong to God. Psalm 24

  1. YOU ARE THE P________________ OF OUR LOVING GOD.
    1. People are the result of God’s C________. Psalm 24:1; Genesis 1
      1. We are made in God’s image. 2.  You’re copyrighted by God.
      2. Jesus made you, then paid for you. Romans 6; Revelation 3:15f
    2. God Cares About E______________ in Your Life. Psalm 111:1-2
      1. God gave you His S_______ to help… I Thessalonians 5:19
      2. God is here with us in this time of worship.  Matthew 18:20
      3. If you surrendered to Jesus, He is IN YOU. Honor Him!
      4. Jesus paid the ultimate cost for each of us: His own blood.
      5. Jesus was resurrected as the first of MANY brethren.
      6. Christ cleansed you to be righteous every day. Romans 12:1-2
    1. S_____ seeks to turn us away from Jesus, God & righteousness.
    2. God’s L_____ is so great that Jesus died for every sinner!
      1. Hold your confession of belief with D_________________.
      2. God is F_____________ to you and He won’t let go.
      3. Believers are commanded to S____________ fellow believers.
  3. AVOID D________________ GOD OR JESUS CHRIST.
    1. No S__________ remains for those who continue in sin. V.26 Romans 6:1-11; 7:1f
    2. God’s ways must have F_______ place in our thoughts. Vs. 29Neglecting church gatherings
    3. I_________ God’s Spirit in you. Galatians 5

“THE ARMOR OF GOD” Ephesians 6:10-17

“THE ARMOR OF GOD” Ephesians 6:10-17

Ephesians 6:11

…so that you can take your S___________ against the devil’s schemes


Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against F______ and B_________


Ephesians 6:13

  1. Therefore put on the F____ armor of God.


Ephesians 6:14-17

  1. B_____ of truth
  2. B_________________ of righteousness
  3. Feet fitted with the R_____________________________
  4. Shield of F_______
  5. Helmet of S___________________
  6. Sword of the S_________ which is the W____ O__ G____



  1. Mothers Face the Continual Passing of T_____.
    1. The Lord must be your S___________ for each day. Psalm 28:7
    2. God is G________ than all of your limitations. Genesis 17:15-17
    3. With God’s mighty H____, grandmothers help. II Timothy 1:5
  2. Mothers B________ Against Persecutions and Worldliness.
    1. Joseph’s mother instilled the fear of God’s W____. Genesis 39:9
    2. Exodus opens with a mother D_________ government law.
    3. Moses’ mother taught him his S___________
  3. Some Mothers Face Great D_________ or Separation.
    1. We learn of the anguish of H________. First Samuel.
    2. She humbly, fervently P_______ for a son for the Lord’s work.
    3. Hannah G_____ up Samuel when he was weaned.
  4. Mothers Must Face the Cost of Their
    1. E____ disobedience started suffering and death for all.
    2. The impatience and scheming of S_______ resulted in turmoil.
    3. B___________ sin resulted in the death of her baby & husband.
  5. Some Mothers Face S_______, Poverty or A Nomadic Life.
    1. Joseph almost B________ ties with Mary …
    2. P__________ forced Joseph and Mary to find lodging in a barn.
    3. H_______ for Jesus forced his parents to become aliens…
  6. Mothers Help Children Become B_______ Than Themselves.
    1. Mothers N________ their babies by devoting time to them.
    2. Jesus’ parents helped Him learn R_______________.
    3. Mothers should not O_________ positive growth. Mark 3:21-35

“Keep Up Your Courage” Acts 27:21-38

“Keep Up Your Courage” Acts 27:21-38

When we walk with God, pleasing in His sight,   We have nothing to fear.

    1. Paul had been working in the power of God’s S_______. Acts 2:38; Romans 8
    2. Paul has endured P______________ many times in the past. Romans 8:28
    3. God had declared that Paul would be a witness in R______.  Acts 23:11
    4. God sent His A_______ to bolster Paul’s courage.
    1. God uses tragic conditions for the G________ of Christ.
    2. Paul proclaimed God’s P______ to deliver every person alive.
    3. Paul led others by courageous A__________.
    1. Christ R_______ over the entire universe today and always! Matthew 28:18; Colossians 1:15-20
    2. Christ has TRANSFORMED us to be His A________________. II Corinthians 5:16f
    3. We must O____________ Satan’s distractions, lies and deceit. Ephesians 6:10f
    4. We must G________ against excusing our self from witnessing!