“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

  1. How Can They C_______ On the Lord? (vs. 14a) “THEY”?
    1. The first S_____, separated man from God.
    2. Ancient cultures believed in superior P__________.
    3. The Bible says people K_____ within of their sin.
      1. Adam & Eve tried to H_____ from God. Genesis 3:8-10
      2. Israelites were terrified. Exodus 20:18f
      3. Everyone who encountered God or His angels feared. Isaiah 64:6  Romans 1:18-20
    4. No P________ is without sin or guilt. Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:23
    5. Sin results in D_______. God has a way of escape. Romans 6:23 John 3:15-18; 10:10; 14:6
  2. How Can They B____________ In the Lord? (vs. 14b)
    1. Romans 10:17
    2. John 6:63b, 68-69
    3. The whole W_______ will hear. Matthew 24:14
    4. The Good News C________ on Jesus. Acts 2:36; II Corinthians 4:5
  3. How Can They H______ Without a Preacher? (vs. 14c)
    1. Jesus H______________ 12 preachers. Matthew 4:19; Luke 10:1-17
    2. Jesus P____________ His followers. Matthew 10:16-20
    3. Not everyone will B__________. I Corinthians 1:21
    4. No person has a valid E________ for rejecting God. Romans 1:18-32
    5. Jesus will sort His followers from unbelievers. Matthew 25:31-46
  4. How Can They P________ Without Being Sent? (vs. 15a)
    1. Jesus C______________ all of His followers to share His story.
      1. Matthew 28:18-20.
      2. II Timothy 2:2.
      3. Acts 8:4.
      4. John 14:15, 21
    2. Every believer is given gifts, abilities, ministries & effects by the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4:11-13
  5. How Beautiful Are the F______ of God’s Servants! Why? (vs. 15a)
    1. Christians are God’s M______________. II Corinthians 5:20
    2. Christians F________ the most Beautiful Feet. I Peter 2:21
    3. Beauty when we see S__________ changed in Christ. Luke 15:10

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

The New Testament is the testimony of people who personally came into contact with God in human flesh. We can possess a living hope of life in heaven with Jesus Christ.

  1. The Bible T__________ to a Living and Loving God.
    1. Peter was H_______ P__________ by Jesus.
    2. Peter was appointed as an A_____________
    3. Peter was a personal W___________ to the supernatural power of Jesus.
    4. World H____________ has been changed.
    5. All New Testament writers devoted their L________ to Jesus ChrisRemember God’s P___________________ of the Messiah.
    6. The Triune G___ continues to work in people miraculously, not scientifically.
  2.  The R_________________ of Jesus Christ is a Fact of History.
    1. F_______ are based upon reality, evidence, united testimony, etc.
      1. The New Testament records the united testimony of several eye witnesses
      2. Other first century documents also testify of the resurrection.
    2. G_____ News: there is life after death.
    3. Scripture testifies that God and Jesus are L_____.
  3. We Have A L_________ Hope that Jesus Is Returning Soon!
    1. God T_____________ those who humbly accept Jesus.
    2. We do not have to D_______ the second coming of Christ.
    3. S_____________ assures: those walking with Christ will live forever.
    4. Our Living Hope of Eternity with God is maintained through living in Faith and Love. (Vs. 8-9)
      1. God’s Spirit still speaks to hearts.
      2. God challenges you to read the evidence. John 20:30-31
      3. All with a personal testimony of God’s touch are to share with others.
      4. Don’t delay in obeying the commands of Jesus.

“People of the Heart” I Peter 3:1-12

“People of the Heart” I Peter 3:1-12


  1. W__________ Love are we talking about?
    1. Much C_________________. World views:
      1. Love those who G_____ B______;
      2. Please sensation;
      3. Get all you can.
    2. N_____________ implications – sin: promiscuity, sexual immorality, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, harlot, prostitute, unchastity, sensual and more. A________ these! “Aphilarguros” = love of M__________ I Timothy 3:3           – I John 2:15-17
    3. P___________ Godly attributes. Phileo / variations = brotherly love… family & friends; Negative = Matthew 6:5. 2. Agape/Agapao = P________ instruction.
    4. God D____________ this love. I Corinthians 13:4-8a
    5. God D_____________ love for us. I John 4:7-12
  2. All C_________________ Are To Be People of the Heart.
    1. John 13:34-35
    2. 1 Peter 2:16-17
    3. 1 Peter 3:8 =
      1. H____________ – blending and working for Christ.
      2. S_____________ as a spiritual family.
      3. Brotherly: We are O___ Family.
      4. K_______________: Good thoughts & actions for all.
      5. H________: Do our best and let others use their skills.
      6. Give a B___________
    4. Love others as our F_______________ loves us.
    5. Change from getting even to getting even more involved.
  3. Wives: Be W______________ of the Heart! (3:1-6)
    1. S________________: Yield to your husband. Proverbs 25:24; Philippians 4:4f
    2. Exercise E______________ Behavior. 1. Pure, respectful, devoted; 2. Forsake all others; 3. Honor & respect leadership; 4. Proverbs 31
    3. Walk in the S_____________ of God: 1. Gentle; quiet spirit; 2. Focus more on interior qualities; 3. Galatians 5:22-23
  4. Husbands: be M______ of the Heart! (3:7) imitate God; Christ.
    1. U___________________:
      1. Time for family.
      2. Talk with…
      3. Listen.
      4. Ask for your wife’s counsel;
      5. Gentleness & Moderation;
      6. Flexible & Accountable.
      7. Treat your wife with care.
    2. An H_________________leader to God as a Mighty Warrior.
      1. Don’t A_____ her submission and respect.
      2. God gave woman from man’s S_____ as a helper.
      3. Women are EQUAL H________ in Christ. Note the warning.
    3. Ephesians 5:25-33; Galatians 5:22-23

“The Effective Word” Isaiah 55:1-11

“The Effective Word” Isaiah 55:1-11

  1. How Effective Is G_____ Word?
    1. V.1-3 associates God’s word with drink & F_______. V.11 God’s word will not return to Him empty or unfulfilled.
    2. Isaiah 44:8
    3. God’s S____________ Word created & made it all. Genesis 1
      1. “Let there be…,” and it was so, full and complete.
      2. The physical came into existence from N______________.
      3. Close examination of atoms reveals expanses of empty space (NOTHING).
    4. Science: the power that holds together atoms, molecules… solar systems is magnetic attraction. Compare Colossians 1:16-17
    5. Hebrews 4:12-13
    6. Psalm 119:105
    7. Hosea 6:4-6 God’s Words of Judgment.
    1. John 1:1-4, 14 speaks of J__________.
    2. John 6:63, 68
    3. Words of Jesus were P_________________ and effective.
      1. Healed the Centurion’s servant. Matthew 8:5-13;
      2. Cast out D___________. Matthew 8:28-34
      3. Provided abundant F_____. Matthew 14:13f;
      4. Withered an unproductive fig tree; Stopped a storm;
      5. Raised the dead. John 11
    4. Words of Jesus F_____ the multitudes. Matthew 7:28f
    5. John 8:47
    6. Hebrews 6:4-6
    1. Isaiah 49:2
    2. Luke 10:16; Jesus sent out ____ preachers.
    3. God effectively works through words that F_______ on Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 2:1-5
    4. I Peter 4:11
    5. P___________: Matthew 10:19-20
    6. 1st John 2:14 In Christ, we have overcome the evil one.

    Walk with Jesus. Talk about Jesus. The Effective Word is in you.

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

God has all knowledge, sees all things and has all power. He knows you. 

  1. God’s Foreknowledge Set the U_______________ in Perfect Order.
    1. Creation follows a L___________, systematic order; Six Days.
    2. Creation is I__________________ upon itself.
    3. Most cooling liquids S__________ ; water expands. Job 36:27-29
    4. Psalm 8:8 “P__________ in the seas.”
    5. Creation was set in O_______; Moon rotation controls the T________.
  2. God’s Foreknowledge Revealed the Rise and Fall of N__________.
    1. Genesis 12:1-3 – promises to
    2. Genesis 15:13-14 – Israel’s 400 years of slavery, then wealth.
    3. End of Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, Assyrians….
    4. Demise of King S______. I Samuel 13:13
    5. King David’s troubles. II Samuel 12:9f
    6. Daniel 2:44 – Four world powers, then the Church.
    7. Acts 17:26
  3. God’s Foreknowledge Revealed a R_____________  for Humanity.
    1. Promise began after first S­­­­____. Genesis 3:15
    2. M_______: another prophet coming. Deuteronomy 18:15-19
    3. E__________ King promised through David. I Chronicles 17:2f
    4. Zacharias & Elizabeth, then Mary & Joseph were prepared.
    5. Luke 22:22
    6. Acts 2:22f
    7. Acts 3:18
  4. God’s Word Says He Foreknows Every P ___ .
    1. A___ things are made by God. Isaiah 44:24a B. Job 31:15
    2. We are all made by the Creator. Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 64:8
    3. National S­­­____ we bear is the slaughter of 61 MILLION babies.
    4. God planned to bless people who L_____ Him. Ephesians 1:3-14
    5. Names were W_____________ in His Book of Life before Creation. Psalm 139:13-16; Rev. 13:7-8; 3:5; 17:8; 20:12,15; Daniel 7:10;12:1; Mat.25:34

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

  1. I__________ Needed to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. Israel – some progress in H_______________ themselves. Isaiah 36-37. Note Isaiah 37:36.
    2. God wants more than the K__________ faith & righteousness.
    3. V.6-8 People are as frail as F____________ & G_________.
    4. V.9 I______________________ were chosen to bring God’s message of salvation to all nations.
    5. V.10-11 God’s mighty M___________ was coming … like a Shepherd.
  2. J__________ – Clear the Way for the Lord A SECOND TIME.
    1. Judah was spared, returned to neglect, exiled, delivered….
    2. ________ years of silence … Daniel’s prophecies fulfilled.
    3. God’s P_____________ Matthew 3:1-10
    4. Malachi 3:1 – J________ the immerser came to clear the way.
    5. J_________ arrived – perfect words -example. Matthew 11:28-30.
    6. S_________________ described the Messiah, but most rejected Him.
    7. The S_________________ fulfilled the greatest need: REDEMPTION & RESTORATION TO GOD.
  3. W___ All Need to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. God deals with individuals and nations. The USA has wandered away from God. WE MUST FOCUS ON GOD!
    2. R______________ joy, hope, the King and Lord.
    3. Jesus lived a perfect life then became our Sacrifice. I John 3:16-18
    4. Continue to G_________ in love.
    5. People need the Living B_________: Jesus. You have His Spirit to work.
    6. We each do our part removing B_____________.
    7. Jesus is returning: CLEAR THE WAY FOR THE LORD.

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

There is One who has all control, rule, power and authority as King. He fills the offices of Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches.

  1. The Lord is the King of H_________.
    1. Psalms references about 20 times. 2:6; 5:2; 10:16; 149
    2. I Samuel 8:7-8 Israel asked for a king.
    3. Isaiah 6:5, the prophet saw Heaven’s God and King.
    4. God’s message as King. Jeremiah 46:18; 48:15; 51:57
    5. Zephaniah 3:15
  2. God foretold that this King would come to E_______.
    1. I Chronicles 17:11-14 – one of King David’s descendants.
    2. Psalm24:7-10
    3. Jeremiah 23:5-6
    4. Zechariah 9:9 How to I______________ the King.
    5. Luke 1:32-33 Gabriel prepared Mary for the King.
  3. The King of Heaven C________ to Earth.
    1. The question of the Magi. Matthew 2:2; Micah 5:2
    2. Matthew 18:21f; Forgive like the King.
    3. Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus refers to Himself.
    4. Matthew 21:5 fulfilled Zechariah 9:9.
    5. Pilate questioned Jesus John 18:33-37
    6. Calvary’s hilltop scene and provisions.
    7. Jesus P_____________ He is King.
  4. The Almighty King Continues to R________ .
    1. Matthew 28:18 Jesus claims all A_______________.
    2. Ephesians 5:5
    3. Colossians 1:13-14
    4. I Timothy 6:15
    5. Revelation 15:3; 17:14; 19:16

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

Hear Jesus and remain true to His perfect and holy laws.

  1. God’s Laws Have R_________ Since the Beginning of Creation.
    1. Genesis 2:17 – Only O____ law from God.
    2. Genesis 4:7 – God W________ Cain to examine his heart…
    3. Genesis 5 – genealogy of T­­___ generations, a period of about 2000 years. Genesis 6:5
    4. Genesis 9-11 = 2000 years of sin and rejection of God, until Abraham, man of F_________.
    5. Exodus – 600 years: Israel, Moses, Law Deuteronomy 4:5,8 Psalm 119:105
    6. No Person followed the Law perfectly.    Psalm 14:3
    7. Humanity needed a Redeemer/Savior.    Isaiah 43:11
    8. The Cost: a perfect sacrifice.    I John 2:1b-2
  2. God Knows What Is B_______ For Mankind.
    1. God W___________ II Peter 2:5
    2. God W_______ His commandments on stone Exodus 22:15f
    3. Joshua warned Israel to serve God.     Joshua 24:14-15
    4. Psalm 1; 19:7-9 Isaiah 51:4-5
  3. Jesus Christ Is the Lawgiver.
    1. James 4:12
    2. John 1:1-4, 14
    3. Matthew 5:17-18
    4. Colossians 2:9-14
    5. Jesus’ teachings are final Law      John 12:48
    6. Matthew 28:18

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

The Lord is Judge, Lawgiver and King of everything! How will He deal with you?

  1. Old Testament R_________ about God, our Judge.
    1. Genesis 18:25 – Just Judge .
    2. Judges 11:27 – He judges between nations.
    3. I Samuel 2:10 – Divine Judge over all the earth.
    4. Psalm 7:11 – Righteous
    5. Psalm 9:8 – Righteous
    6. Isaiah 11:1-5 – offspring of Jesse… to walk the earth.
  2. The Judge First Came as A R______________ and Savior.
    1. John 3:16-18
    2. John 5:22-29 – Jesus lays claim to ALL Judgment.
    3. John 12:47-50 – all judgment is based upon acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ.
    4. Matthew 25 – Parables to pay attention to.
  3. The Apostles Identified J________ As The Judge.
    1. Acts 10:38, 42-43; 17:30-32.
    2. II Timothy 4:1-8
    3. Hebrews 4:12-14; 10:10-31
    4. James 4:12; 5:9
    5. Revelation 20:12-15
    6. Revelation 21:1-8

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

The reign of sin and death was stopped when the Light arrived!

  1. God foretold that the Light was C________. Isaiah 59:15 – 60:20
    1. Daylight gets shorter as we move away from the sun.
    2. People moved away from G ____ to darkness… death.
    3. R __________ influence dimmed: God’s light shown. Genesis 6-9
    4. N           plague against Egypt: 3 days of darkness on Egyptians, but Israelite slaves had light. Exodus 10:23
    5. God’s A________: cloud by day; fire at night. Exodus 13:21
    6. Psalm 27:1
    7. Psalm 112:4
  2. God Sent the Light of the W__________ .
    1. Simeon, a S__________ of God, was waiting in the Temple, saw baby Jesus, and blessed God. Luke 2:29-32
    2. John’s Gospel: Jesus is God’s Light for the world. John 1:1f
    3. Jesus is the L_______ of the world. John 8:12
    4. Jesus sets people F______ from darkness and corruption that we may walk in His glorious Light. John 12:35, 46 Ephesians 5:8
  3. Even With More Light, the W_________ Must be Faced.
    1. As winter begins, we must face three months of cold.
    2. Jesus faced R_____________ with purpose.
    3. Face your dark days. James 1:2-4
    4. Believers are A________________ of Christ. II Corinthians 5:20            Matthew 28:19
    5. Jesus gives us the P__________! Ephesians 5:1-16; John 3:19-21