“What Does It Profit?” Mark 8:31-38

“What Does It Profit?” Mark 8:31-38

How profitable was 2021 to you when weighed on the Divine scales of the God of Life?

  1. The P__________ of the Christ. V. 31-32a
    1. The prevailing T___________ of the Messiah of Israel.                   Mark 10, Matthew 20
    2. Jesus revealed His coming C_________________. John 3:13-16
    3. Jesus foretold His D________. John 10:10-11
    4. Peter did not A________ with or like what Jesus was saying.
    5. Jesus identifies S________ as the opposition to the will of God.
  2. Jesus Calls All to a Life of S_____________. V. 34-35
    1. T/ Lord calls believers to a R__________ Matthew 5-7                                            Matthew 6:24; Acts 2:38
    2. God commands us to stop loving the W______. I John 2:15-17; Colossians 1:18; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:31; John 20:19;        Matthew 28:20
  3. The W____________ of Christ is included. V. 36-38
  1. N___________ of this world can save us. I Corinthians 3:16-19                                      Matthew 6:19f
  2. O_____________ Jesus as Lord creates our treasures in Heaven.                                I Timothy 6:17-19
  3. Paul reveals his treasure in Philippians 1:21
  4. Paul was D______________ to serve only Jesus Christ.

LET’S WALK WITH JESUS, helping each other along the way!