“True Satisfaction” Mark 8:1-9
“True Satisfaction” Mark 8:1-9
- Jesus Satisfied the N_______ of the First Century.
- The W_______ of Jesus were a Beacon to the Lost.
- Jesus was concerned about the P_________
- People needed F_________ from Satan’s power.
- His Power was the R________ for all affliction. Matthew 15:30-31
- Jesus proves Himself to be G___ by His power over nature. Matthew 21:19
- God has A________ Satisfied the Needs of People.
- The W_________ is at the Lord’s disposal. Psalm 24:1
- God is the S________ and provider of ALL Life.
- God created M____ in His image.
- God provided a R____ for Abraham on Mt. Moriah.
- God satisfied the needs of I_________.
- God sustained the P_________ of Israel.
- God A______________ supplied for Israel when they obeyed.
- God blessed the C_________ when it obeyed Jesus. Acts 2:44f
- Satisfaction Can Be Found In C________ Jesus Today.
- The Church that obeys Jesus is His B______. Ephesians 5:23f.
- Jesus commands us to NOT be W__________. Matthew 6:31f
- Jesus P___________ that all who ask, seek and knock will receive, find and enter … Matthew 7:7-8
- Luke 6:27-38
- Philippians 4:10-19 L__________ to be content.
TRUE SATISFACTION only comes through faith and obedience in Christ.