- Who Is This G_______ Teacher?
- The young M____ running to Jesus …
- The man held Jesus in highest R__________.
- Jesus clarifies His personal I__________.
- Only G____ is good in the truest sense. Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3; 16:2; 25:8; 34:8; 52:9; 54:6; 73:1
- Either J_______ is God, or He is a liar, deceiver, false teacher…
- What Can A Person Do To I____________ Eternal Life?
- Life beyond the G______ was not a new concept. Job 19:25f; Psalm 23
- Jesus summarizes part of the T___ Commandments as the answer. I John 4:20; Leviticus 19:18
- This man B___________ that he has kept all of the Law.
- Jesus reveals the man’s sinful W___________.
- We Must Guard Our Hearts from Loving this W_________.
- Jesus invited this man to find L_______ in Him alone. Mark 8:34f
- James 2:14-26
- The A___________ left all of their possessions to follow Jesus.
- We are temporary M____________ of what God entrusts to us. Colossians 1:15f
- God Takes Care of Believers D___________ To His Service. Psalm 50
- Jesus S________ His disciples with an illustration. V.25 Exodus 23:20f; Deuteronomy 28
- No person can be S__________ without the help of God. V.26-27
- Our family M_______________ when we make Jesus our Lord. Acts 2:44f
- Jesus promised that believers will be P________________.