“The Word on The Lord’s Supper” Matthew 26:26 – 29
- JESUS D_______________ AND INSTITUTED THE LORD’S SUPPER.Colossians 1:15fA.
- The entire Bible is C_______________on Jesus Christ.Genesis 3:15; John 1:1-4, 14; 14:6
- The Passover pictured details of the cost of R_______________.
- Jesus R_____________the meaning of Passover before He died. Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:17-20; I Corinthians 11:23-30
- Bread and Juice R______________the body and blood of Christ.Hebrews 7:27; John 6:63II.
- Jesus Wants His Disciples To R________________Him Constantly.
- When we use these E___________, we are to remember Jesus.
- This memorial is to continue until Jesus R_____________. I Corinthians 16:23f
- S___________shows the church having communion on Sunday.Acts 2:46; Acts 20:7; Justin Martyr; I Corinthians 16:1III.
- Believers Are To Be C____________When Sharing At The Table.
- Communion is only commanded for B_____________of Christ.
- Each participant is to J_______their own heart and life in Jesus.Matthew 5:23f; I John 1:8-10
- Believers must remember God’s G___________through Jesus.Ephesians 2:8-10
- Every believer of Jesus Christ is made a P__________.I Peter 2:9-10