“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

“The Word On the Church” Matthew 16:16-18

  1. The World is in C______________ about what the Church Is.
      1. We must first clarify the M__________ of the word, “Church.”
      2. Jesus identified the Church that leads to eternal L______.
        1. The Greek word for church: “the C_________ out ones.”
        2. Jesus A__________ the term for His followers set free from sin.
        3. The best church is the one that S_______ a person through Jesus.
        4. Individuals are A_______ to Christ’s church by God. (Acts 2:47)
        5. Christians gathered within C_______________ are called churches.
      3. Jesus established O____ Church centered on Himself. Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4-6; Acts 9:31; Romans 16:4-5, 16; Colossians 1:18
  2. The Church Began on P____________ After Christ Arose. Daniel 2:44-45
    1. In our text, Jesus was referring to His F__________
    2. Apostles had to wait in Jerusalem for God’s P__________. Acts1:4f
    3. Jesus is the H______ of the church body. Ephesians 1:20-23
    4. The church of Jesus reveals God’s W_________ to us. Ephesians 3:8f
    5. Any church not centered on Jesus and the Bible is a D____________.
  3. How Does A Person K______ Which Churches Are of Christ?
    1. Only Jesus can give eternal L______ to people. John 14:6
    2. Followers of Jesus must keep all of His C____________. John 14:15
    3. Jesus prepared and sent His A____________ to spread His message. Matthew 28:18f; I Thessalonians 2:13; II Timothy 3:16-17
    4. O_____ all of the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.     John 6:68; Galatians 1:8-9; Hebrews 10:26f
  4. Jesus Expects His Followers to Be A__________ In His Church.
    1. Jesus’ church is His B_______ doing His will. Colossians 1:18
    2. Every Christian receives one or more G____ to help the body. I Cor. 12
    3. The church is to work together in reaching the W_________.
    4. Warning: do not N__________ meeting with believers. Hebrews 10:25f