“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

“The Word On Jesus Christ” Matthew 16:13-17

  1. The V_______ Birth of Jesus Verifies He Is the Savior.
    1. All human births require T___ contributing parents. Luke 1:34
    2. Jesus is the W_____ of God who put on human flesh. John 1:1-14
    3. Jesus F___________ all prophecies… Dan. 11-12; Mic. 5:2; Hos. 11:1
  2. Jesus Lived A S________ Life As The Son Of The Perfect God.
    1. Jesus was required to keep the strict M________
    2. He faced every T______________ without giving in. Hebrews 4:15
    3. Sanhedrin failed to condemn Jesus on F_______ Mt. 26:59f
  3. The T_____________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Listened To Him.
    1. Age T__________, Jesus amazed the Temple teachers. Luke 2:46-47
    2. Nicodemus, a M_________ of the Sanhedrin …believed He was from God. John 3:1-2
    3. Multitudes of people F_____________ Jesus to hear… Mt. 14:13-21
  4. The M___________ of Jesus Amazed All Who Witnessed His Help.
    1. Jesus was able to fully H______ all types of sickness & disease.
    2. Jesus was able to fully R____________ lost abilities of people.
    3. Jesus had Divine P___________ over every unseen force.
    4. Jesus D_____________ His power over sin and death.
  5. Jesus Provided the Final Atoning D_________ For Every Sin.
    1. … identified as the promised R_____________. Isaiah 53; Mat. 1:21
    2. Jesus claimed to be the S_________ of humanity. John 3:16f; 14:6
    3. Jesus G_____ His life as the perfect Lamb of God. Ephesians 1:4
    4. He paid the full P_______ of death for every sin. Romans 6:23
  6. His Resurrection From D________ Is Proof Of His Power.
    1. Roman S_______ guarding His tomb could not keep Him in. Mt. 27:62f
    2. Jesus presented Himself A_______ to hundreds… I Corinthians 15:1f
    3. Eleven Apostles watched Jesus F________ into heaven. John 14:1