“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

  1. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF P_________. (v.16-18)
    1. Peter was at first a D__________. (John 1:40-42; Luke 5:1-11).
    2. He did not consider himself W_________ of being with Jesus.
    3. Peter suffered “Foot in M_________” disease during his early years. (Matthew 26:33; John 18:10)
    4. Jesus continued to E___________ Peter.
    5. After Jesus conquered the G________, our Lord filled Peter with power. (Acts 2)
  2. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF P_____________. (v.19)
    1. God blessed the J_________ with His prophecies of a Savior for the world.
    2. Job 19:25 speaks of a L___________ Redeemer.
    3. M_______ announced that a Savior was coming as Healer and Mediator.
    4. King David S______ prophecies of the Messiah. Psalm 22; 34:20
    5. Isaiah’s writings are P________ full … the Savior. Acts 8:30f
  3. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF A__________ G_____. (v.20-21).
    1. The Bible explains the O______________ of man.
    2. All of scripture is A______________.
    3. Prophecies number in the H_____________.
    4. God’s most important prophecies foretold a S__________.
    5. I Peter 1:24-25 (Isaiah 40)
    6. Psalm 18:1-7