“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11
“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11
We are called to a great task. Galatians 6:9; Revelation 2:10b Our text discusses some of the aspects of the LAW OF THE HARVEST.
- You will ________ what you sow: the Law of the Harvest.
- Seed produces after its ________. Genesis 1:11 still works.
- _________________ programming is governed by a form of this law. Mathematics is the same. Jesus alludes to the negative aspects of this principle in His parable, the Wheat and the Tares. Matthew 13:24f
- (V.6) ____________________ should be flowing from every believer.
- Gospel Teachers will see God’s transforming power in believers.
- Your thankfulness and appreciation should be multiplying.
- Share your blessing with the one who helped you receive it.
- A _____________ thank you is always appreciated. * LET’S BE A THANKSGIVING PEOPLE. I Thessalonians 5:18
- Worldly focus has no long term benefit. The earth is headed for destruction. But, Godly service ENDURES. Acts 9:36f
- Achieving A Harvest Requires ________________ .
- Jesus _____________ victory over death in eternal life to the obedient. The grave is toothless against Believers
- ______all of the commands of Jesus. (John 14:15, 21) 1. Your decision; 2. Believe; 3. Repent; 4. Confess; 5. Baptism; 6. Live for Jesus
- ____________ living includes: 1. learning more Bible; 2. Saying Thank You; 3. Encouraging; 4. Intentionally doing good. Revelation 2:4-5 * STAY DEVOTED TO CHRIST IN ACHIEVING HIS HARVEST!
- Remember God’s _________ When Your Heart Grows Weary.
- _________________the Reward, in spite of the cost…
- Hebrews 10:23-25.
- 1. ___________________ the church family…
- Guard against SKIPPING OUT …
- You are examples of ________________________ .
- Boldly & tirelessly work in God’s field. BE FARMERS FOR JESUS