“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

We are called to a great task. Galatians 6:9; Revelation 2:10b   Our text discusses some of the aspects of the LAW OF THE HARVEST.

  1. You will ________ what you sow: the Law of the Harvest.
    1. Seed produces after its ________. Genesis 1:11 still works.
    2. _________________ programming is governed by a form of this law. Mathematics is the same. Jesus alludes to the negative aspects of this principle in His parable, the Wheat and the Tares. Matthew 13:24f
    3. (V.6) ____________________ should be flowing from every believer.
      1. Gospel Teachers will see God’s transforming power in believers.
      2. Your thankfulness and appreciation should be multiplying.
      3. Share your blessing with the one who helped you receive it.
      4. A _____________ thank you is always appreciated.                                           * LET’S BE A THANKSGIVING PEOPLE. I Thessalonians 5:18
    4. Worldly focus has no long term benefit. The earth is headed for destruction. But, Godly service ENDURES. Acts 9:36f
  2. Achieving A Harvest Requires ________________ .
    1. Jesus _____________ victory over death in eternal life to the obedient. The grave is toothless against Believers
    2. ______all of the commands of Jesus. (John 14:15, 21) 1. Your decision; 2. Believe; 3. Repent; 4. Confess; 5. Baptism; 6. Live for Jesus
    3. ____________ living includes: 1. learning more Bible; 2. Saying Thank You; 3. Encouraging; 4. Intentionally doing good. Revelation 2:4-5                                               * STAY DEVOTED TO CHRIST IN ACHIEVING HIS HARVEST!
  3. Remember God’s _________ When Your Heart Grows Weary.
    1. _________________the Reward, in spite of the cost…
    2. Hebrews 10:23-25.
      1. 1. ___________________ the church family…
      2. Guard against SKIPPING OUT …
    3. You are examples of ________________________ .
    4. Boldly & tirelessly work in God’s field. BE FARMERS FOR JESUS