“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

  1. Proper Spiritual Nutrition Begins With A New B____________.
    1. Peter’s letter: to people who have been born again.
      1. 1:3 “…born again to a living hope” through …
      2. V.23 Living lives of Love as a result of …
    2. For people who want H_____________. John 3:3f; involves water and God’s Spirit.
    3. The concept was not new.
      1. Exodus through Deuteronomy: A__________ & his descendants Exodus 30:17f Deuteronomy 6:5f
      2. God encouraged the Israelites: Ezekiel 36:22-27
    4. The first day of the church, God’s plan of transformation. Acts 2:38.
    5. Romans 6:3-8
  2. New Creatures in Christ Require Different F_______.
    1. The unrighteous F______ their mind on bitter evil. Romans 1:28-32
    2. I Peter 2:1 lists five deadly thoughts or actions.
      1. Malice = wickedness, ill-will or a desire to injure.
      2. Guile = deceit; a bait, lure, snare or method of entrapping.
      3. Hypocrisy = actors or fakes.
      4. Envy = Jealousy, spite; discontent, mortification or ill-will at other’s success.
      5. Slander = disparaging or belittling remarks of reputations, worth or character.
    3. I Peter 1:22 – enjoy living in God’s gift of L________ for other believers.     Remember and practice the love defined in I Corinthians 13:4-8.
    4. No more appetite for evil, but have a longing & thirst.
      1. Ps. 119 describes the importance of God’s word.
      2. John 6:35, Jesus is the B_________ of Life: eat and drink Him, (v. 63) His words.
  3. Believers in Christ Have a C_____________ for God’s Word.
    1. Newborns R____________ wholesome milk frequently & consistently. The Bible.
    2. Don’t confuse this milk of God’s word with Paul’s reprimand to immature Christians (I Corinthians 3:2) or those in Hebrews 5:12-13.
    3. Vs.2 “grow in respect to salvation, maturing into spiritual leaders.
    4. Be so filled with joy and blessing that you want to please your Savior.

Psalm 42:1-2; Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:23-25