“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

The New Testament is the testimony of people who personally came into contact with God in human flesh. We can possess a living hope of life in heaven with Jesus Christ.

  1. The Bible T__________ to a Living and Loving God.
    1. Peter was H_______ P__________ by Jesus.
    2. Peter was appointed as an A_____________
    3. Peter was a personal W___________ to the supernatural power of Jesus.
    4. World H____________ has been changed.
    5. All New Testament writers devoted their L________ to Jesus ChrisRemember God’s P___________________ of the Messiah.
    6. The Triune G___ continues to work in people miraculously, not scientifically.
  2.  The R_________________ of Jesus Christ is a Fact of History.
    1. F_______ are based upon reality, evidence, united testimony, etc.
      1. The New Testament records the united testimony of several eye witnesses
      2. Other first century documents also testify of the resurrection.
    2. G_____ News: there is life after death.
    3. Scripture testifies that God and Jesus are L_____.
  3. We Have A L_________ Hope that Jesus Is Returning Soon!
    1. God T_____________ those who humbly accept Jesus.
    2. We do not have to D_______ the second coming of Christ.
    3. S_____________ assures: those walking with Christ will live forever.
    4. Our Living Hope of Eternity with God is maintained through living in Faith and Love. (Vs. 8-9)
      1. God’s Spirit still speaks to hearts.
      2. God challenges you to read the evidence. John 20:30-31
      3. All with a personal testimony of God’s touch are to share with others.
      4. Don’t delay in obeying the commands of Jesus.