“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22
“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22
Hear Jesus and remain true to His perfect and holy laws.
- God’s Laws Have R_________ Since the Beginning of Creation.
- Genesis 2:17 – Only O____ law from God.
- Genesis 4:7 – God W________ Cain to examine his heart…
- Genesis 5 – genealogy of T___ generations, a period of about 2000 years. Genesis 6:5
- Genesis 9-11 = 2000 years of sin and rejection of God, until Abraham, man of F_________.
- Exodus – 600 years: Israel, Moses, Law Deuteronomy 4:5,8 Psalm 119:105
- No Person followed the Law perfectly. Psalm 14:3
- Humanity needed a Redeemer/Savior. Isaiah 43:11
- The Cost: a perfect sacrifice. I John 2:1b-2
- God Knows What Is B_______ For Mankind.
- God W___________ II Peter 2:5
- God W_______ His commandments on stone Exodus 22:15f
- Joshua warned Israel to serve God. Joshua 24:14-15
- Psalm 1; 19:7-9 Isaiah 51:4-5
- Jesus Christ Is the Lawgiver.
- James 4:12
- John 1:1-4, 14
- Matthew 5:17-18
- Colossians 2:9-14
- Jesus’ teachings are final Law John 12:48
- Matthew 28:18