“Not without results” – 1st Thessalonians 2:1-6

“Not without results” – 1st Thess 2:1-6

“Not without results” – 1st Thess 2:1-6

Sermon Notes  “Not without results”                             July 12, 2020

your work produced by _______

1st Thessalonians 1.3

you became a ______ to all the believers

1st Thessalonians 7-8

while every branch that does bear fruit he ________ so that it will be even more ________.

John 15.1-8

Then He will cut off the sprigs with _______  _______

Isaiah 18.5

After they had been severely ________, they were thrown into _______

Acts 16.19-24

 give thanks in _____ circumstances

1st Thessalonians 5.16-18