“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

Matthew 19:3-12

  1. People Have C____________ the Righteous Design of Marriage.
    1. Sinners came to T_____ the righteousness of Jesus (v. 2-4).
    2. Jesus directed the Jews to R______ God’s Law.  Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 20:10; Numbers 5:11f; Deuteronomy 24:1-4
  2. Marriage was Designed and Instituted by G______.
    1. Jesus reminds them of God’s original P_____ for marriage. Genesis 2:23f God combines the two into one.
    2. God’s design of marriage is a C_________________ of unselfish love.
    3. No attempt to D___________ a marriage is 100% successful.
  3. Marriage Following God’s Design Must C____________ Today.
    1. Misunderstandings, S____ & rebellion plague marriage unions.
    2. God made the first woman as a H_________ for the first man.  Genesis 2:18
    3. Jesus says that M_____ men need a wife. Matthew 5:27-32
    4. Marriage is a T___ W____ Exodus – Deuteronomy; First Corinthians 6-7; II Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5
    5. Both husband and wife belong to C________.      I Corinthians 6:20

As Christians we must stand in God’s truth through the grace given to us in Jesus Christ. Be an example to those around you by graciously living in the commands of our Savior.





  1. Jesus Calls All P__________ To the Work of God.
    1. The Lord is in His T________ year of ministry.                Mark 1:14f; John 3:16-18; Matthew 11:28f; Acts 1:21f
    2. The twelve A___________ are frustrated with another man.
  2. Jesus C___________ and Approves Those Who Serve Him.
      1. A person is B___________ by God when they obey His will through Jesus. Matthew 5:3-12
      2. Jesus W_________ the disciples to not stop anyone doing the will of God in the power of His name. Acts 19:11f
      3. A___________ working in His name will not be able to speak evil of Christ in due time.
      4. There are only T___ sides to choose from in the spiritual battle. Matthew 6:24; Revelation 3:16
      5. There are E____________ consequences for turning someone away from God. Romans 6
  3. God’s Servants Must Work T____________ In His Word of Truth.
  1. Jesus prayed for the U_____ of all His followers. John 17:20-21
  2. Each B________ must learn to walk with God and His servants.          Numbers 11:24-29; Acts 10-11; Acts 18:24f; Acts 19:1-7
  3. Servants of Christ must be F___________ to His word of Truth. John 14:15
  4. Be careful about J__________ Matthew 7:1f Galatians 5:22-23
  5. Be at P_________ with fellow believers in Him.

II Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17


“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

  1. Mankind has a Problem Called S________________. V.34
    1. The Disciples argued about who was the G___________ among them.
    2. The M________________ were also selfish. John 6:15
    3. Selfish attitudes must be T__________ through discipline.          Luke 12:7; John 1:1f; 3:16
  2. Jesus Teaches That All Believers Must S________ Others. This attitude is the opposite of our nature, but it is NECESSARY!
    1. Jesus clarified the G_______ Rule of the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12
    2. The most important person is the S_________. Mark 9:35
    3. The condition of a person’s H_______ is emphasized by Moses. Mark 12; Deuteronomy 6:4-5; I Corinthians 13
    4. We must lovingly receive the least I______________ people.
  3. Jesus Wants Us To B________ In The Children. (10:13f)
    1. The disciples were R____________ the children being brought.
    2. Jesus became I_________toward the disciples! Colossians 1:16
    3. Receiving a child = receive Jesus = receive Mark 9:37
    4. A____________ is guilty of the same rejection! Psalm 127:3
    5. G_____ gives life to children.
    6. As S__________ of Jesus, Christians are to teach all people.




Hebrews 11:1 defines Faith.

The twelve hand-picked disciples of Jesus had to learn how not to be guilty of little faith through Jesus.

  1. The Disciples Faced Challenges G__________ than Themselves.
    1. Peter, James & John had just experienced the T______ of seeing Jesus with Moses and Elijah; but the others…
    2. The twelve D____________ had the power of the Holy Spirit.           Mark 6:7ff; 8:29; Matthew 16:16
    3. The disciples ran into a S____________ V. 29               Matthew 17:20-21
  2. W__ Face Challenges Greater Than Ourselves.
    1. Jesus teaches that there is a spiritual B_______ raging now. Matthew 12:30
    2. The A___________ were very aware of the spiritual war.                    Luke 11:23-26; Ephesians 6
    3. …If good men do N___________, then evil will thrive…
  3. We Must Face These Challenges With G___________ Faith.
    1. Prayer, fasting and walking by F_______ became the standard of living for the first century disciples. John 4:35
    2. Just as the first century C__________ boldly proclaimed God’s Word, we, too, must tell others of life in Jesus.
    3. Just as Jesus was C_________ of His twelve disciples, He is critical of our faith and obedience. Matthew 10:32-33
    4. Jesus warns all of His disciples. Revelation 3:15-16, 20                                                                    Matthew 5:13-16

Let us NOT be guilty of “Little Faith.”

“Sacred Tents” Mark 9:1-8

“Sacred Tents” Mark 9:1-8

Does Jesus have sacred tents? If so, where are they?

  1. Jesus Promised A Powerful K_________________ Was Coming. (V. 1)
    1. Some of the D_______________ would see God’s Kingdom.                                          Matthew 16:28; 3:2; Mark 1:15; Daniel 2:44; Matthew 10:7; Acts 1:3
    2. Jesus was asked if He was a K______ by Pilate. John 18:36-38
    3. Jesus claimed all A_______________ after His resurrection.  Matthew 28:18;Luke 24:49; Acts 1:3-8
    4. Obedient B___________ of Christ make up the kingdom. Acts 2:29-36
    5. The Kingdom continues to grow until Christ returns. Romans 14:16-17
    6. Jesus speaks to the kingdom already P____________. Revelation 1:5-6
    7. Jesus R_______ now as King and Lord over all things. Colossians 1:16f
  2. Sacred Tents Help People R______________ Special Things.
    1. The disciples experience Heaven’s G___________.
    2. The glory of the M_________ suddenly burst through. John 1:4-5; 8:12
    3. Moses and Elijah suddenly A____________ from out of nowhere!
    4. Peter blurts out, “Let’s make three S__________ tents!” (Tabernacles)
    5. G_____ quickly corrects the misdirected impulse of Peter.
  3. Christ Wants Sacred Tents T_________.
    1. Worship of God begins in our H_______. Deuteronomy 6:4; Mk. 12:30
    2. Isaiah 66:1-2
    3. The S_______ of God is given to those who obey Christ. John 14:16-26; Acts 2:38; Romans 8
    4. Paul identifies our BODY as the dwelling of God’s Spirit. I Cor. 3:16-17
    5. Command to G_________ God through our Body. I Corinthians 6:19-20
    6. All Christians working in Christ are His B______. Ephesians 1:22f; 4:12f                                                                   Ephesians 2:19-22


I Peter 3:15

“What Does It Profit?” Mark 8:31-38

“What Does It Profit?” Mark 8:31-38

How profitable was 2021 to you when weighed on the Divine scales of the God of Life?

  1. The P__________ of the Christ. V. 31-32a
    1. The prevailing T___________ of the Messiah of Israel.                   Mark 10, Matthew 20
    2. Jesus revealed His coming C_________________. John 3:13-16
    3. Jesus foretold His D________. John 10:10-11
    4. Peter did not A________ with or like what Jesus was saying.
    5. Jesus identifies S________ as the opposition to the will of God.
  2. Jesus Calls All to a Life of S_____________. V. 34-35
    1. T/ Lord calls believers to a R__________ Matthew 5-7                                            Matthew 6:24; Acts 2:38
    2. God commands us to stop loving the W______. I John 2:15-17; Colossians 1:18; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:31; John 20:19;        Matthew 28:20
  3. The W____________ of Christ is included. V. 36-38
  1. N___________ of this world can save us. I Corinthians 3:16-19                                      Matthew 6:19f
  2. O_____________ Jesus as Lord creates our treasures in Heaven.                                I Timothy 6:17-19
  3. Paul reveals his treasure in Philippians 1:21
  4. Paul was D______________ to serve only Jesus Christ.

LET’S WALK WITH JESUS, helping each other along the way!


“Show Me” Mark 8:10-13

“Show Me” Mark 8:10-13


Do we accept God’s Word as truth, or do we challenge Him?

  1. The E_____________ Challenged the Ability of Jesus.
    1. The P_________ of Jesus were well known around Galilee.
    2. Jesus R___________ to submit to t/ misguided mockers.
    3. Noah is called a P____________ of righteousness. II Peter 2:5
    4. C__________ of the Bible scoffed at the ancient book of Job.                  Job 38:16; 39:27f
    5. P____________ were sent from God to Israel and Judah to warn them of coming destruction.
  2. Scripture Identifies J_______ as the Son of God, Redeemer of Humanity. Acts 4:12
    1. The P____ reveals Jesus as the Redeemer.
    2. The T___________ of people reveals Jesus as the Redeemer.
    3. The P_________ of Jesus identified Him as the Redeemer.
  3. The R_________________ of Jesus would prove He is Messiah.
    1. I Corinthians 15 itemizes several W_______________.
    2. S______ of Tarsus was an enemy of Christ at first. Acts 9
    3. Luke R______________ the information about Jesus. Luke 1:1-4
    4. John U________ us to believe in Jesus. John 20:30f

The New Testament is full of the testimonies of eye witnesses. Will we believe those who walked with Jesus?

When Jesus comes again and proves Himself, He will be coming as the Judge.


“True Satisfaction” Mark 8:1-9

“True Satisfaction” Mark 8:1-9

  1. Jesus Satisfied the N_______ of the First Century.
    1. The W_______ of Jesus were a Beacon to the Lost.
    2. Jesus was concerned about the P_________
    3. People needed F_________ from Satan’s power.
    4. His Power was the R________ for all affliction. Matthew 15:30-31
    5. Jesus proves Himself to be G___ by His power over nature. Matthew 21:19
  2. God has A________ Satisfied the Needs of People.
    1. The W_________ is at the Lord’s disposal. Psalm 24:1
    2. God is the S________ and provider of ALL Life.
    3. God created M____ in His image.
    4. God provided a R____ for Abraham on Mt. Moriah.
    5. God satisfied the needs of I_________.
    6. God sustained the P_________ of Israel.
    7. God A______________ supplied for Israel when they obeyed.
    8. God blessed the C_________ when it obeyed Jesus. Acts 2:44f
  3. Satisfaction Can Be Found In C________ Jesus Today.
    1. The Church that obeys Jesus is His B______. Ephesians 5:23f.
    2. Jesus commands us to NOT be W__________. Matthew 6:31f
    3. Jesus P___________ that all who ask, seek and knock will receive, find and enter … Matthew 7:7-8
    4. Luke 6:27-38
    5. Philippians 4:10-19 L__________ to be content.

TRUE SATISFACTION only comes through faith and obedience in Christ.

“Healer of the Imperfect” Mark 7:31-37

“Healer of the Imperfect” Mark 7:31-37

“Healer of the Imperfect” Mark 7:31-37

Proverbs 6:6-11

Thessalonians 4:11-12

Our Master has commissioned us…

  1. JESUS HEALED THE I__________ AND UNCLEAN. V. 31
    1. Jesus traveled through U__________ Mark 7   John 3:16.
    2. F_________ of a Deaf & Mute man seek help.
    3. Jesus used a U______ method to heal the Deaf-Mute.
    4. Jesus Orders S________ regarding the miracle.
    1. H________continues by the power of Jesus. John 14:6
    2. Jesus B_______ the bonds of sin and death. Romans 6
    3. Jesus helps believers to H________ God’s truth.            Matthew 13:14-15.
    4. Jesus gives us W______ to speak. John 14:26; 16:13
    5. I Peter 4:11
    6. James 1:5f – fervently ask God for W_________.

Romans 12

Colossians 3:17 & 23

Matthew 10:32-33.




    1. Webster’s Dictionary, 3rd point: “A prediction of something to come.”
    2. God D_______ Bible Prophecy, II Peter 1:20-21. Webster’s agrees.
    3. God’s Holy Spirit directed the T______________ of prophets.
      1. Bible Prophecy is not limited to foretelling the future.  Exodus 4:15-16; 7:1; Deuteronomy 18:18
      2. Prophets often had no clue as to the meaning. I Peter 1:10-12
    4. God CONDEMNED false prophets. Deuteronomy 13:5; 18:20
      1. David Reagan, Lamb and Lion Ministries, “… over 300 prophecies in t/ Old Testament … 108 specifically different ….”
      2. Henrietta C. Mears, WHAT THE BIBLE IS ALL ABOUT, “…Christ is portrayed in each book….”
      3. Dr. Henry H. Halley, Halley’s Bible Handbook; “… t/ entire story of Christ has been pre-written & pre-figured ….”
      4. Consider T______________ of the New Testament authors.
      5. EVIDENCE from today….
    1. Numerous prophecies are O__________ of human control.                                                             Genesis 3:15; Micah 5:2
    2. Testimonies of F_________ century people.
      1. The New Testament;
      2. Sources outside of t/ Bible: Josephus, other documents.
    3. Divine D________________ of miraculous proportions.
    4. Only the God of life can C____________ death.