“DRAW NEAR Part 1” (Hebrews 10:19-25)


(Hebrews 10:19-25)

Since – all have learned from Book of Hebrews (doctrinal)

Now, therefore, - what to you do with it? (practical)

We can enter the Most Holy Place by the b___________ of Jesus.

If we try to enter some other way – there is N_____ Access!  Closed!

Matthew 7:21-23

Why the “Blood of Jesus” – His death?

That, and that only, satisfies God’s j_________________.

Only way?

“Opened up” –

“New” –

Christ’s D____________ is the only way to L_____________.

How must I come?

“Sincere” = ______________________________________________

Jeremiah 3:10; 24:7                Deuteronomy 4:29

“Sprinkled Hearts” –

“Washed Bodies” –

In Christ, we are:

Positionally satisfying to G_______________.

And      Practically being changed - t______________.