“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

God foretold that He would send His Servant for all. He sent His own Son to restore a sweet, loving relationship with Him.      Isaiah 53:6; 42:1-9

  1. The Savior of the _________________.
    1. God appointed ____________ of Nazareth. Matthew 1:16-25
    2. Joseph was a ________________. Matthew 13:54-55
    3. God ________________ Joseph to raise Jesus. Luke 2:21f
    4. Parents, train the children. Ephesians 6:4
  2. The Savior of the common ________________.
    1. ____________ announced to shepherds. Luke 2:8-20
    2. A ________________ boy anointed King of Israel. I Samuel 16
    3. The ___________ said to shepherds…. Luke 2:10-11
    4. Jesus came for the every-day worker…
    5. Jesus is still the _________of the every-day worker.
  3. Jesus is the Savior of Society’s ________.
    1. Matthew 2:1-12 records the arrival of _________.
    2. These searchers were the ___________.
    3. ________________ traveled far by a STAR. Numbers 24:17
    4. They F_____ D_______ in worship!
    5. Jesus is still worthy. Philippians 2:9-11
  4. Jesus is the Savior of E_______ P_________.
    1. Jesus touched every level of ____________. John 3:16-18
    2. Jesus loves ______________. Matthew 19:14
    3. Jesus loves frustrated ____________. Matthew 11:28-30
    4. Jesus saves the _____________. He mingled with ALL!
    5. All who ___________ and obey are welcomed by Jesus.

Jesus is the Savior for all! His blessings are sweeter than sugar or honey and last forever.




Psalm 105:1-3     I Thessalonians 5:18

Our Creator made Creation and is worthy of our thanks & praise.God used the heathen Assyrians as His judgment tool against corrupt Israel. Due to Judah’s flagrant sin, they will be invaded. But Isaiah included reasons for thanking God. God has not deserted, nor forsaken His people.

  1. GOD PROMISED TO SEND A _______________ KING TO REIGN. 11:1,2(-5)
    1. 250 years previous: I Chronicles 17:11-14
    2. A ____ _ ____  _________ runs through the Bible. Genesis 49:10f
    3. ___________ already reminded his audience of the Messiah:
      1. _________ to t/ nations (ch.2);
      2. Redeemer of Israel (ch.4);
      3. Born of a virgin (7:14);
      4.  __________ of the world (ch.9)
    4. We are _________________ that God kept His promises.
  2. GOD PROMISED A NEW HOME OF PERFECT ______________ . 11:6,9
    1. _________________________ tries to legislate peace. Genesis 8:21
    2. Someone _____________ in Peace is needed; but no human can.
    3. Isaiah addressed a _____________ that only knew war.
    4. We Thank God that He sent the __________ of __________. Luke 2:14
    5. Jesus gave peace to His ______________. John 14:27; Galatians 5:22-23
    6. Jesus is preparing a perfect place: IT IS COMING!
  3. God Promised to _______________ All of His Scattered People 11:11-12
    1. part of God’s punishment for Israel: they will be ________________.
      1. The continuous rebellion against God reaps the Reward.
      2. But each successive generation can _____________ for themselves.
      3. God does not forget those who love Him. *Rahab & Ruth.
    2. As Isaiah writes, Israel is judged. Judah was next, but was spared!
    3. ___ years later, Jesus came, and Israel was still scattered (book of Acts).
    4. Proverbs 15:3; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Matthew 28:20; Acts 2:38; Romans 8

Be Thankful: Jesus Is COMING BACK!

“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

Paul is writing in bold, heavy letters for emphasis. It is URGENT, so let’s pay attention to Paul’s closing words to the churches of Galatia and to us.

  1. _______________ OF THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE A GOOD SHOW.
    1. Paul warns against trying to live as a _______-______________ Galatians 5:4
    2. Mosaic Law is God’s _________ Law Romans 3:23 Isaiah 53:6
    3. V.13, The teachers could not keep the Law themselves.
    4. God only commanded this rule for Abraham’s family, then Jacob’s. John 14:15                                         B ALL JESUS WANTS U 2 B.
      1. God did not intend the Law to be used as a ____________________ system. Matthew 7:21-23
      2. Israel was not in ___________ standing with God.
      3. Jesus & His disciples were frequently ______________ about their lifestyle. 6:1f
        1. The Disciples were …
        2. Jesus ___________ a man’s withered hand.
        3. LAW required __________ to stay away.                                                                                             * Jesus did not become _________________                                                                             Christ Was Being ALL GOD WANTED HIM 2 B
  3. I MUST BECOME A NEW _____________________  (Vrs. 14-16).
    1. Galatians 3:27-29 __________________ with Christ at their immersion.
    2. Romans 6:3-11 “consider yourselves to be _______ to sin, but _______ to God in Christ Jesus.”
    3. Romans 12:1-2 = Dedicate our time, energy, talent and treasure to God.
    4. Galatians 5:24-25

Have I Become ALL GOD WANTS ME 2 B?      Live your faith in Jesus Christ!

“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

“The Law of the Harvest” Galatians 6:6-11

We are called to a great task. Galatians 6:9; Revelation 2:10b   Our text discusses some of the aspects of the LAW OF THE HARVEST.

  1. You will ________ what you sow: the Law of the Harvest.
    1. Seed produces after its ________. Genesis 1:11 still works.
    2. _________________ programming is governed by a form of this law. Mathematics is the same. Jesus alludes to the negative aspects of this principle in His parable, the Wheat and the Tares. Matthew 13:24f
    3. (V.6) ____________________ should be flowing from every believer.
      1. Gospel Teachers will see God’s transforming power in believers.
      2. Your thankfulness and appreciation should be multiplying.
      3. Share your blessing with the one who helped you receive it.
      4. A _____________ thank you is always appreciated.                                           * LET’S BE A THANKSGIVING PEOPLE. I Thessalonians 5:18
    4. Worldly focus has no long term benefit. The earth is headed for destruction. But, Godly service ENDURES. Acts 9:36f
  2. Achieving A Harvest Requires ________________ .
    1. Jesus _____________ victory over death in eternal life to the obedient. The grave is toothless against Believers
    2. ______all of the commands of Jesus. (John 14:15, 21) 1. Your decision; 2. Believe; 3. Repent; 4. Confess; 5. Baptism; 6. Live for Jesus
    3. ____________ living includes: 1. learning more Bible; 2. Saying Thank You; 3. Encouraging; 4. Intentionally doing good. Revelation 2:4-5                                               * STAY DEVOTED TO CHRIST IN ACHIEVING HIS HARVEST!
  3. Remember God’s _________ When Your Heart Grows Weary.
    1. _________________the Reward, in spite of the cost…
    2. Hebrews 10:23-25.
      1. 1. ___________________ the church family…
      2. Guard against SKIPPING OUT …
    3. You are examples of ________________________ .
    4. Boldly & tirelessly work in God’s field. BE FARMERS FOR JESUS

“A Restoration People” Galatians 6:1-5

“A Restoration People” Galatians 6:1-5

“A Restoration People” Galatians 6:1-5 

Words of encouragement & physical assistance are important. But greater is the concern for the soul. Jesus says: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (Jn. 13:34-35) Paul instructs: be a RESTORATION PEOPLE. Live Christ’s love.

  1. Restoration is a Task for ________________ Christians. V.1
    1. ______ groups of people; Believers /Non-Believers. Two groups of believers: Galatians 5; Romans 12:1-2
    2. Corinthian believers were ______________ I Cor. 1:4-7; 3:3
    3. God’s plan is to ______________ the Fallen Saint; Ephesians 2:8f   Luke 6:39-42;   I Peter 2:1-2;   Romans 15:1-3
  2. Restoration is a Task for ________Than One Person
    1. V.1 uses __________ pronouns: YOU/YOURSELVES
    2. Jesus gave guidelines for handling sins Matthew 18:15-17
    3. Handle group sin – Galatians 2:11f
    4. The entire church ___________ must do its part                                          EMT’s = Eternity Moral Trainers; DR = Death Relievers                                      RN’s = Responding Neighbor; LPN’s = Loving People Nicely
    5. V.5 Individual accountability before God. Romans 14:12
  3. Restoration is to be Done with Genuine ______________. (V.1)
    1. Ephesians 2:8
    2. Titus 3:2-5; II Corinthians 10:1; II Timothy 2:24
    3. Be _______________ to the person
    4. If someone refuses; Mt. 18:17; I Cor.4:21; I Cor.5:11
    5. Be prepared to _______________ a repentant believer. II Cor. 2:6f
  4. Restoration Must Be Done ___________________. (V.1)
    1. Watch ___________________. The lust of the flesh is attractive…
    2. Help each other, but DON’T take more than you can handle
  5. Restoration Must Be Done ___________________. (V.1)
    1. Be in constant ______________________ with God (I Thes.5:17)
    2. V.2 “Bear one another’s burdens…” Prov.1:7; 4:5; James 1:5f; 5:14f

“Two Distinct Paths” Galatians 5:13-26  

“Two Distinct Paths” Galatians 5:13-26

“Two Distinct Paths” Galatians 5:13-26  

Choices and decisions are a part of everyday life. Some choices have no long-term effect, but others do.     Matthew 7:13-14

We choose between TWO DISTINCT PATHS. Choose wisely!

  1. Our _______________ With People Is a Major Concern of God.
    1. not _____________ for the man to be alone… Genesis 2:18
    2. … the last ________ address how we treat people.
    3. V.13 = _________________ command to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
    4. ____________ actions … must be avoided. V.15, 26
    5. We’re not to be immature _________________.
  2. God _____________ Us to Practice Certain Activities. V. 19-21
    1. IMMORALITY – Genesis 19; Revelation 21:8
    2. I________________
    4. I________________           E.
    5. SORCERY – Exodus 7:11, 22; Isaiah 47:9, 12 link it directly to W__________________.
    6. ENMITY G. S______________
    7. JEALOUSY (negative):
    8. OUTBURSTS OF A________
    10. E________
    13. AND THINGS L____      T________
  3.  God E_________ Us to Practice Beneficial Activities. (5:22-25)
    1. L______
    2. JOY
    3. P________
    5. K____________
    7. F_______________
    9. S_______-C_______________

“Don’t Surrender Your Freedom”     Galatians 4:6 – 5:15   

“Don’t Surrender Your Freedom”     Galatians 4:6 – 5:15

“Don’t Surrender Your Freedom”     Galatians 4:6 – 5:15   

Christ Jesus has come to lead Christians to the promised New Heavens and New Earth to live with God.

Paul warns: Don’t Surrender Your Freedom!

  1. ______________ Firm In the Freedom of Christ. (5:1)
    1. 4:4-5 = God gave His Son to _______________ you.
    2. 4:6 = God gave His __________ to help you.
    3. 4:7 = God converted you … to become His __________ .
    4. 4:9 = You are now _____________ by God.
    5. 4:21-31 = God preserved an _____________ for us to see His love.
  2. Don’t ________ _________ God’s Grace.
    1. Beware of ____________________ returning to old ways. John 14:6
    2. Follow Jesus; God will ________ you. John 12:26
    3. Salvation does not come by our claim, but by our ________________.                                 Matthew 7:17-24; 25:31-46
    4. Heed the ___________ of Hebrews 2:1-3; 3:6, 12-14; 4:1, 6, 11
    5. Jesus calls for __________________ in the church.                                                               Revelation 2:1-5; 3:14-16
    1. Mark 10:45 – Jesus came to serve as our example.
    2. I John 4:7-11 – Sacrifice is our Banner.
    3. ___________ loving each other. John 15:9-17
    4. Love is God’s _____________ principle and expectation.                                                           Leviticus 19:18

“God’s Perfect Timing” Galatians 4:4-5

“God’s Perfect Timing” Galatians 4:4-5

” God’s Perfect Timing” Galatians 4:4-5

The Lord God’s involvement in all aspects of the world has been active in the past, the present, and will continue in the future. Our challenge: Will I be a rebellious or a willing servant in God’s Perfect Timing?

  1. Perfect Timing is Part of God’s _______________.
    1. God was conscious of the _______________ of time. Psalm 90:4 II Peter 3:8
    2. God would have to know __________ of time of needs. Acts 2:23-24.
    3. Christ’s coming was no __________ or coincidence.  I Peter 1:20-21
    4. Emmanuel came in fulfillment of every _____________ of the Messiah.    ____                           specific different prophecies of the Old Testament.
  2. God’s Timing is ___________ Throughout the Old Testament.
    1. The order of the Genesis creation –
    2. God’s test of Abraham’s ________ Genesis 22:13
    3. Genesis 24 Finding a _______ for Isaac.
    4. Genesis 15:13-14 Enslavement of Abraham’s ___________
    5. God repeatedly declares His sovereignty and __________________                                                          II Chronicles 16:9                         Job 40-41                           Job 42:1
  3. God’s Timing is __________ Today, if You Would See It.
    1. Psalm 7:9-11 Psalm 33:13-22
    2. Our Heavenly Father is ___________ in every person’s life.  Matthew 6:6, 8
    3. Matthew 10:29-33
    4. The Victory of Jesus over _____________           Matthew 11:28-30


” THE “IN” CROWD ” Galatians 3:23-29

” THE “IN” CROWD ” Galatians 3:23-29

” THE “IN” CROWD ” Galatians 3:23-29

Sermon Notes:     THE “IN” CROWD                Galatians 3:23-29           Oct 11, 2020

God views humanity as dwelling in two crowds. All are automatically members of the first crowd. But God has provided a way for us to escape to the second crowd. Which crowd are you in?

Romans 12:2

We are to be the ____________ in a world filled with ____________.

Galatians contrasts the two groups: (list of ten)

3:23  In Custody Under Law                    3:26  In Christ Through Faith

  1. THOSE IN __________________:
    • … never considered ourselves to be _________________
    • Warning (Joshua 24): servant of ________ gods or of the Living God.
    • We can only serve _____ master. Matthew 6:24
    • We are slaves of one of two things: Romans 6:17-19.
    • Galatians 3:22; Romans 3:23      Romans 6:23
    • People are ____________ to various laws, mostly man-made. Living by rules DOES NOT ____________us from disobedience against God.
  2. THOSE IN ________________:
    • Membership requires __________ in the Lordship of Jesus.
    • ______________ the message of I Corinthians 15:1-8
    • Vs. 27 Those in Christ have been ______________ into Christ… based upon our faith in Christ, our resolve to repent from sin, our commitment to proclaim Christ in testimony and action.
    • Vs. 27 _____________ in Christ
    • Jesus invites _______________.

Which crowd are you IN?