“People of the Heart” I Peter 3:1-12

“People of the Heart” I Peter 3:1-12

“People of the Heart” I Peter 3:1-12


  1. W__________ Love are we talking about?
    1. Much C_________________. World views:
      1. Love those who G_____ B______;
      2. Please sensation;
      3. Get all you can.
    2. N_____________ implications – sin: promiscuity, sexual immorality, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, harlot, prostitute, unchastity, sensual and more. A________ these! “Aphilarguros” = love of M__________ I Timothy 3:3           – I John 2:15-17
    3. P___________ Godly attributes. Phileo / variations = brotherly love… family & friends; Negative = Matthew 6:5. 2. Agape/Agapao = P________ instruction.
    4. God D____________ this love. I Corinthians 13:4-8a
    5. God D_____________ love for us. I John 4:7-12
  2. All C_________________ Are To Be People of the Heart.
    1. John 13:34-35
    2. 1 Peter 2:16-17
    3. 1 Peter 3:8 =
      1. H____________ – blending and working for Christ.
      2. S_____________ as a spiritual family.
      3. Brotherly: We are O___ Family.
      4. K_______________: Good thoughts & actions for all.
      5. H________: Do our best and let others use their skills.
      6. Give a B___________
    4. Love others as our F_______________ loves us.
    5. Change from getting even to getting even more involved.
  3. Wives: Be W______________ of the Heart! (3:1-6)
    1. S________________: Yield to your husband. Proverbs 25:24; Philippians 4:4f
    2. Exercise E______________ Behavior. 1. Pure, respectful, devoted; 2. Forsake all others; 3. Honor & respect leadership; 4. Proverbs 31
    3. Walk in the S_____________ of God: 1. Gentle; quiet spirit; 2. Focus more on interior qualities; 3. Galatians 5:22-23
  4. Husbands: be M______ of the Heart! (3:7) imitate God; Christ.
    1. U___________________:
      1. Time for family.
      2. Talk with…
      3. Listen.
      4. Ask for your wife’s counsel;
      5. Gentleness & Moderation;
      6. Flexible & Accountable.
      7. Treat your wife with care.
    2. An H_________________leader to God as a Mighty Warrior.
      1. Don’t A_____ her submission and respect.
      2. God gave woman from man’s S_____ as a helper.
      3. Women are EQUAL H________ in Christ. Note the warning.
    3. Ephesians 5:25-33; Galatians 5:22-23

“The Effective Word” Isaiah 55:1-11

“The Effective Word” Isaiah 55:1-11

  1. How Effective Is G_____ Word?
    1. V.1-3 associates God’s word with drink & F_______. V.11 God’s word will not return to Him empty or unfulfilled.
    2. Isaiah 44:8
    3. God’s S____________ Word created & made it all. Genesis 1
      1. “Let there be…,” and it was so, full and complete.
      2. The physical came into existence from N______________.
      3. Close examination of atoms reveals expanses of empty space (NOTHING).
    4. Science: the power that holds together atoms, molecules… solar systems is magnetic attraction. Compare Colossians 1:16-17
    5. Hebrews 4:12-13
    6. Psalm 119:105
    7. Hosea 6:4-6 God’s Words of Judgment.
    1. John 1:1-4, 14 speaks of J__________.
    2. John 6:63, 68
    3. Words of Jesus were P_________________ and effective.
      1. Healed the Centurion’s servant. Matthew 8:5-13;
      2. Cast out D___________. Matthew 8:28-34
      3. Provided abundant F_____. Matthew 14:13f;
      4. Withered an unproductive fig tree; Stopped a storm;
      5. Raised the dead. John 11
    4. Words of Jesus F_____ the multitudes. Matthew 7:28f
    5. John 8:47
    6. Hebrews 6:4-6
    1. Isaiah 49:2
    2. Luke 10:16; Jesus sent out ____ preachers.
    3. God effectively works through words that F_______ on Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 2:1-5
    4. I Peter 4:11
    5. P___________: Matthew 10:19-20
    6. 1st John 2:14 In Christ, we have overcome the evil one.

    Walk with Jesus. Talk about Jesus. The Effective Word is in you.

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

“The Foreknowledge of God”         Isaiah 46:8-11

God has all knowledge, sees all things and has all power. He knows you. 

  1. God’s Foreknowledge Set the U_______________ in Perfect Order.
    1. Creation follows a L___________, systematic order; Six Days.
    2. Creation is I__________________ upon itself.
    3. Most cooling liquids S__________ ; water expands. Job 36:27-29
    4. Psalm 8:8 “P__________ in the seas.”
    5. Creation was set in O_______; Moon rotation controls the T________.
  2. God’s Foreknowledge Revealed the Rise and Fall of N__________.
    1. Genesis 12:1-3 – promises to
    2. Genesis 15:13-14 – Israel’s 400 years of slavery, then wealth.
    3. End of Canaanites, Moabites, Ammonites, Assyrians….
    4. Demise of King S______. I Samuel 13:13
    5. King David’s troubles. II Samuel 12:9f
    6. Daniel 2:44 – Four world powers, then the Church.
    7. Acts 17:26
  3. God’s Foreknowledge Revealed a R_____________  for Humanity.
    1. Promise began after first S­­­­____. Genesis 3:15
    2. M_______: another prophet coming. Deuteronomy 18:15-19
    3. E__________ King promised through David. I Chronicles 17:2f
    4. Zacharias & Elizabeth, then Mary & Joseph were prepared.
    5. Luke 22:22
    6. Acts 2:22f
    7. Acts 3:18
  4. God’s Word Says He Foreknows Every P ___ .
    1. A___ things are made by God. Isaiah 44:24a B. Job 31:15
    2. We are all made by the Creator. Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 64:8
    3. National S­­­____ we bear is the slaughter of 61 MILLION babies.
    4. God planned to bless people who L_____ Him. Ephesians 1:3-14
    5. Names were W_____________ in His Book of Life before Creation. Psalm 139:13-16; Rev. 13:7-8; 3:5; 17:8; 20:12,15; Daniel 7:10;12:1; Mat.25:34

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

  1. I__________ Needed to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. Israel – some progress in H_______________ themselves. Isaiah 36-37. Note Isaiah 37:36.
    2. God wants more than the K__________ faith & righteousness.
    3. V.6-8 People are as frail as F____________ & G_________.
    4. V.9 I______________________ were chosen to bring God’s message of salvation to all nations.
    5. V.10-11 God’s mighty M___________ was coming … like a Shepherd.
  2. J__________ – Clear the Way for the Lord A SECOND TIME.
    1. Judah was spared, returned to neglect, exiled, delivered….
    2. ________ years of silence … Daniel’s prophecies fulfilled.
    3. God’s P_____________ Matthew 3:1-10
    4. Malachi 3:1 – J________ the immerser came to clear the way.
    5. J_________ arrived – perfect words -example. Matthew 11:28-30.
    6. S_________________ described the Messiah, but most rejected Him.
    7. The S_________________ fulfilled the greatest need: REDEMPTION & RESTORATION TO GOD.
  3. W___ All Need to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. God deals with individuals and nations. The USA has wandered away from God. WE MUST FOCUS ON GOD!
    2. R______________ joy, hope, the King and Lord.
    3. Jesus lived a perfect life then became our Sacrifice. I John 3:16-18
    4. Continue to G_________ in love.
    5. People need the Living B_________: Jesus. You have His Spirit to work.
    6. We each do our part removing B_____________.
    7. Jesus is returning: CLEAR THE WAY FOR THE LORD.

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 3: The LORD, Our King” Isaiah 33:20-22

There is One who has all control, rule, power and authority as King. He fills the offices of Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches.

  1. The Lord is the King of H_________.
    1. Psalms references about 20 times. 2:6; 5:2; 10:16; 149
    2. I Samuel 8:7-8 Israel asked for a king.
    3. Isaiah 6:5, the prophet saw Heaven’s God and King.
    4. God’s message as King. Jeremiah 46:18; 48:15; 51:57
    5. Zephaniah 3:15
  2. God foretold that this King would come to E_______.
    1. I Chronicles 17:11-14 – one of King David’s descendants.
    2. Psalm24:7-10
    3. Jeremiah 23:5-6
    4. Zechariah 9:9 How to I______________ the King.
    5. Luke 1:32-33 Gabriel prepared Mary for the King.
  3. The King of Heaven C________ to Earth.
    1. The question of the Magi. Matthew 2:2; Micah 5:2
    2. Matthew 18:21f; Forgive like the King.
    3. Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus refers to Himself.
    4. Matthew 21:5 fulfilled Zechariah 9:9.
    5. Pilate questioned Jesus John 18:33-37
    6. Calvary’s hilltop scene and provisions.
    7. Jesus P_____________ He is King.
  4. The Almighty King Continues to R________ .
    1. Matthew 28:18 Jesus claims all A_______________.
    2. Ephesians 5:5
    3. Colossians 1:13-14
    4. I Timothy 6:15
    5. Revelation 15:3; 17:14; 19:16

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 2: The LORD, Our Lawgiver” Isaiah 33:20-22

Hear Jesus and remain true to His perfect and holy laws.

  1. God’s Laws Have R_________ Since the Beginning of Creation.
    1. Genesis 2:17 – Only O____ law from God.
    2. Genesis 4:7 – God W________ Cain to examine his heart…
    3. Genesis 5 – genealogy of T­­___ generations, a period of about 2000 years. Genesis 6:5
    4. Genesis 9-11 = 2000 years of sin and rejection of God, until Abraham, man of F_________.
    5. Exodus – 600 years: Israel, Moses, Law Deuteronomy 4:5,8 Psalm 119:105
    6. No Person followed the Law perfectly.    Psalm 14:3
    7. Humanity needed a Redeemer/Savior.    Isaiah 43:11
    8. The Cost: a perfect sacrifice.    I John 2:1b-2
  2. God Knows What Is B_______ For Mankind.
    1. God W___________ II Peter 2:5
    2. God W_______ His commandments on stone Exodus 22:15f
    3. Joshua warned Israel to serve God.     Joshua 24:14-15
    4. Psalm 1; 19:7-9 Isaiah 51:4-5
  3. Jesus Christ Is the Lawgiver.
    1. James 4:12
    2. John 1:1-4, 14
    3. Matthew 5:17-18
    4. Colossians 2:9-14
    5. Jesus’ teachings are final Law      John 12:48
    6. Matthew 28:18

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

“PART 1: The LORD, Our Judge” Isaiah 33:20-22

The Lord is Judge, Lawgiver and King of everything! How will He deal with you?

  1. Old Testament R_________ about God, our Judge.
    1. Genesis 18:25 – Just Judge .
    2. Judges 11:27 – He judges between nations.
    3. I Samuel 2:10 – Divine Judge over all the earth.
    4. Psalm 7:11 – Righteous
    5. Psalm 9:8 – Righteous
    6. Isaiah 11:1-5 – offspring of Jesse… to walk the earth.
  2. The Judge First Came as A R______________ and Savior.
    1. John 3:16-18
    2. John 5:22-29 – Jesus lays claim to ALL Judgment.
    3. John 12:47-50 – all judgment is based upon acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ.
    4. Matthew 25 – Parables to pay attention to.
  3. The Apostles Identified J________ As The Judge.
    1. Acts 10:38, 42-43; 17:30-32.
    2. II Timothy 4:1-8
    3. Hebrews 4:12-14; 10:10-31
    4. James 4:12; 5:9
    5. Revelation 20:12-15
    6. Revelation 21:1-8

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

“YOUR LIGHT HAS COME” Isaiah 60:1-3,19-21

The reign of sin and death was stopped when the Light arrived!

  1. God foretold that the Light was C________. Isaiah 59:15 – 60:20
    1. Daylight gets shorter as we move away from the sun.
    2. People moved away from G ____ to darkness… death.
    3. R __________ influence dimmed: God’s light shown. Genesis 6-9
    4. N           plague against Egypt: 3 days of darkness on Egyptians, but Israelite slaves had light. Exodus 10:23
    5. God’s A________: cloud by day; fire at night. Exodus 13:21
    6. Psalm 27:1
    7. Psalm 112:4
  2. God Sent the Light of the W__________ .
    1. Simeon, a S__________ of God, was waiting in the Temple, saw baby Jesus, and blessed God. Luke 2:29-32
    2. John’s Gospel: Jesus is God’s Light for the world. John 1:1f
    3. Jesus is the L_______ of the world. John 8:12
    4. Jesus sets people F______ from darkness and corruption that we may walk in His glorious Light. John 12:35, 46 Ephesians 5:8
  3. Even With More Light, the W_________ Must be Faced.
    1. As winter begins, we must face three months of cold.
    2. Jesus faced R_____________ with purpose.
    3. Face your dark days. James 1:2-4
    4. Believers are A________________ of Christ. II Corinthians 5:20            Matthew 28:19
    5. Jesus gives us the P__________! Ephesians 5:1-16; John 3:19-21

“HOW GREAT THOU ART” Isaiah 9:2-7

“HOW GREAT THOU ART” Isaiah 9:2-7

  1. We Honor Jesus for C_______________ to Earth.
    1. P___________ revealed God Redeemer.
    2. God P _______________ to not turn His back. Joel 2:12-13
    3. God’s P _____ of salvation: one Savior. John 14:6
    4. He became H  to experience/overcome. Is.9:6;53:11;Mt.1:20f
  2. We Honor Jesus for His T__________ , for He Is Wonderful.
    1. The W______ of God in human flesh. John 1:1-2,1
    2. Jesus T__________ and exemplified righteousness. Matthew 7:28f
    3. His I_________________ kept multitudes awestruck. Mark 3:7f
    4. His words are not empty, but ARE… Matthew 8:5-13, 23-27
  3. We Honor Jesus for Being the Great C_______________.
    1. History records many influential leaders. I Kings 3:12
    2. Jesus’ wisdom S_____________ all. John 6:33-35,48-51,63; Ps.119
    3. When Jesus came, activity stopped. D. Scripture: best C__________!
  4. We Honor Jesus for Bringing G___________ and Joy.
    1. Human S___ resulted in death. Romans 3:23
    2. Dictators, Barbarians & Legalists vs. Jesus Christ.
    3. God’s A________ inspired the shepherds. Luke 2:10f
    4. Jesus brought to ____ forgiveness, freedom, love… Romans 6:3-4
  5. We Honor Jesus for Being M_______ G____.
    1. Only God could fulfill P_________.
    2. Conception by a V________!
    3. God protected J_______ the Lamb.
    4. Divine nature was displayed.
  6. We Honor Jesus for Being the E___________ F________!
    1. Jesus: S___ of God; One with the Father. Genesis 1:1,26; John 1:1;8:58
    2. One with the H S________. John 14:23,26;15:26; Matthew 28:19
    3. The Triune God R______ everything. D. Jesus rules. Colossians 1:15-20
  7. We Honor Jesus for Being P_________ of Peace.
    1. Jesus brings peace between M___ and God. Romans 6:23
    2. … peace between each person and S_____. Romans 8:1-2
    3. … peace between you and others. Matthew 5:43-48; Revelation 21:1-7

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

God foretold that He would send His Servant for all. He sent His own Son to restore a sweet, loving relationship with Him.      Isaiah 53:6; 42:1-9

  1. The Savior of the _________________.
    1. God appointed ____________ of Nazareth. Matthew 1:16-25
    2. Joseph was a ________________. Matthew 13:54-55
    3. God ________________ Joseph to raise Jesus. Luke 2:21f
    4. Parents, train the children. Ephesians 6:4
  2. The Savior of the common ________________.
    1. ____________ announced to shepherds. Luke 2:8-20
    2. A ________________ boy anointed King of Israel. I Samuel 16
    3. The ___________ said to shepherds…. Luke 2:10-11
    4. Jesus came for the every-day worker…
    5. Jesus is still the _________of the every-day worker.
  3. Jesus is the Savior of Society’s ________.
    1. Matthew 2:1-12 records the arrival of _________.
    2. These searchers were the ___________.
    3. ________________ traveled far by a STAR. Numbers 24:17
    4. They F_____ D_______ in worship!
    5. Jesus is still worthy. Philippians 2:9-11
  4. Jesus is the Savior of E_______ P_________.
    1. Jesus touched every level of ____________. John 3:16-18
    2. Jesus loves ______________. Matthew 19:14
    3. Jesus loves frustrated ____________. Matthew 11:28-30
    4. Jesus saves the _____________. He mingled with ALL!
    5. All who ___________ and obey are welcomed by Jesus.

Jesus is the Savior for all! His blessings are sweeter than sugar or honey and last forever.