“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

John 15:17-23

If you want eternal life with God, you will be sharing the sufferings of Christ.

  1. J_______ Leads in Righteousness through Sufferings (v. 18; 4:12-13)
    1. Jesus S______________________ Heaven to rectify corruption.
      1. He came as a Shepherd. 2. He faced down evil. 3. He intentionally stepped into the hands of His enemies. 4. He battled & triumphed over death.
    2. Jesus Leads His Disciples into S__________________ (4:1).
    3. God does N______ enjoy seeing His children suffer.
      1. Suffering comes from the violation of God’s will.
      2. Sin is taught and promoted by Satan.
      3. Satan is against God’s people.
    4. Jesus is V_______________ over suffering; promises victory for us.
  2. Don’t be S____________________ to Suffer for Jesus.
    1. Life with Jesus was different than the average routine.
    2. Life with Jesus R________________ His followers to speak out (3:15)
    3. Life with Jesus Demands our B_______ behavior always.
    4. A C_______________ of Friends & Habits is required. (4:4)
      1. Love the people but we must reject ALL sin.
      2. Old “friends” will be surprised…
      3. You become Light in Christ.
    5. Friendship with Jesus is forever; social friends – temporary.
    6. Real Friends will see the good in you and will want it.
    7. Your P______________: Glorify God through Jesus. 4:11
  3. Living For Jesus Is Not Easy, But It Gives The Best Rewards.
    1. Generally, to own Good things costs you something.
    2. 4:3 We have WASTED enough time in the old ways.
    3. 4:13 = Let your rejoicing in Christ multiply… Acts 4; 5:12f
    4. V. 14 God R______________ all who suffer for Jesus.
    5. V. 17-18 Final W_______________.

“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

During troubling times, remember: Noah, Joseph, the Israelites, Moses… (Exodus 3:7-8a).

Romans 8:28

Live the good qualities taught by God.


  1. Our God and Savior Are G________.
    1. Psalm 106:1-2
    2. Matthew 19:16-17a
    3. John 10:10-11, 14
    4. Acts 10:38
    5. Third John, vs.11
  2. God Wants All P__________ to Learn and Think Good.
    1. Psalm 14:1, 3m  God is a refuge. Psalm 16:1-2
    2. Warning to Israel – Isaiah 1:16-18
    3. Romans 12 – directions to live pleasing to God. Verse 21    Galatians 5:22-23
    4. The battle begins in our mind. Philippians 4:8
  3. God Wants All People to P____________ Doing Good.
    1. Philippians 4:9
    2. Follow the example of Jesus. Luke 6:27-38   – The Golden Rule: verse 31
    3. Galatians 6:9-10
    4. Take to heart the warning of I Peter 3:11.

“Inherit A Blessing” I Peter 3:8-12

“Inherit A Blessing” I Peter 3:8-12

Believers of Jesus are to inherit a Blessing.

  1. The Inheritance of This World Is T___________________.
    1. Three qualifications of inheritance both in this world & in eternity.
    2. Most people live life as if they have forever.
    3. We live on this earth only a S___________
    4. I Peter 1:17f This world’s inheritance is futile.
    5. I Peter 2:8 people inherit destruction when they reject Christ.
  2. Inherit A Blessing By Becoming An H_______.9
    1. I Peter 1:1-2 identifies “the Called.”
    2. 1:3, 23 Heirs are “born again” through the Word.   John 1:1-4, 14; Hebrews 4:12-16
    3. John 3:1-7 to be born again involves: Joel 2:28-32
    4. Rebirth on the first day of the church. Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16
    5. I Peter 2:9-10 = God’s Heirs.
    6. I Peter 5:10 believers eternally complete.
  3. Inherit A Blessing Because the O__________ Died. Colossians 1:15f.
    1. The central message of the Gospel (1:3):
    2. 1:2 believers of Jesus are sprinkled with His blood.
    3. Jesus paid for every sin by the cruelty of the cross.
    4. 1:18-21 our changed faith & hope:
    5. 2:24 Our wounds are healed because Jesus paid for them.
  4. Inherit A Blessing By G_______________ In His Characteristics.
    1. God’s characteristics that we are to have:
    2. God demands total submission to Heavenly standards.
    3. God’s Spirit enables and empowers us (3:8-11).
    4. “Put On” Christ. Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3-8
    5. With Christ, plus God’s Spirit, we produce. Galatians 5:22-23.

“Suffering Servants” I Peter 2:18-25

Suffering Servants I Peter 2:18-25

To follow God’s plan, we become SUFFERING SERVANTS.

  1. J_________ Lived on Earth as a Suffering Servant (v. 21-24)
    1. The Messiah would be a Man of S____________. Isaiah 52:13-15a; 53:1-12
      1. He would look like a commoner; familiar with heartaches.
      2. He would live a sinless life.
      3. He would pay for all sins of mankind.
      4. God would glorify Him.
    2. God’s L________ for people motivated Jesus to leave heaven.
      1. Jesus was not forced out of heaven. Isaiah 7:14; John 1:1-4, 14
      2. I Timothy 1:14 3. John 10:10; 3:16-17
    3. Jesus left the glory and perfection of H___________ to make the Way for people to return to their Heavenly Father. Jesus endured a sinful world.
  2. The New Testament D_______________ Lived as Suffering Servants.
    1. People in the first century chose suffering for Jesus: Gospels, Acts
    2. Followers of Jesus were transformed, blessed with His Spirit and redirected in purpose.
      1. Peter, Andrew, James and John left fishing to be fishers of men. John 6
      2. Matthew chose Jesus over wealth. Psalm 50:10
      3. Luke left the eminence of medicine. John 4:14; 14:6
      4. Paul left prestige and power of the ruling class. Philippians 3:17
    3. Peter, James and John were eye witnesses. Matthew 17:1-8
    4. First century believers accepted suffering, anticipating Eternal LIFE!
  3. Believers in Christ C______________ to be Suffering Servants.
    1. God’s Spirit moves in our minds and hearts…
    2. When those over us are unreasonable, we will give our best work, as to God. Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 6:44-45
    3. Hear the words of our Master.” John 14:15
    4. God disciplines all of His children. Hebrews 11
    5. Hebrews 12:1-8; James 1:2-4

Continue to walk in the steps of Jesus; even through sufferings.

“The Battlefields of Mankind” I Peter 2:11-21

“The Battlefields of Mankind” I Peter 2:11-21

“The Battlefields of Mankind” I Peter 2:11-21

The battles of humanity are due to Satan. How do we prepare for the fight?

  1. The Battlefield within Our S_____. (v.11)
    1. D_________ of our flesh are at odds with the need of our Soul.
      1. Eat enough of the right F_______… Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:3-4
      2. We put God to t/ T_____ as we Neglect His rules. Psalm 119:9-16; I John 2:3-6
      3. Satan repeats his L____ (Genesis 3:5) Colossians 3:23-25
    2. Romans 7 describes the constant B_______ Romans 8:1f; 12:1-2
    3. I John 2:15-17
  2. We Face A S___________ Battlefield (Vs. 12-14, 17-18)
    1. Everyone must deal with other P_________.
    2. World focus: live for S______. Jesus commands us to Love others.
    3. Golden Rule (not a suggestion) Matthew 7:12
    4. Social Battles are afflicting us.
    5. God blessed us with freedom to voice God’s truth & righteousness.
  3. We Face a P____________ Battlefield Every Day.  (Vs. 11-15, 20)
    1. We’re physical creatures that must take care of our N_________.
      1. God commands: keep our bodies pure. I Corinthians 3:16-17
      2. Jesus died for you & your body.
    2. There is W______ with Evil in our streets. Romans 1:18-32
    3. We must S_____________ LAW Officers & Government Officials, with one exception. Acts 5:29; Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1
    4. God does N_____ condemn Law Officers or Soldiers. Luke 7; Acts 10; 16
  4. We All Fight On A S_______________ Battlefield. John 4:24
    1. We leave this world to S________ before our Creator.
    2. God has provided t/ spiritual A_________. Ephesians 6:10-18.
    3. Our only D____________… stand in Jesus and Biblical instruction.
    4. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem, preached, surrendered and died for our sin, He kept His focus on the Word of God.
    5. Jesus has defeated Satan & death.

“The Priesthood of God” I Peter 2:4-12

“The Priesthood of God” I Peter 2:4-12

“The Priesthood of God” I Peter 2:4-12

John 8:44; Romans 8:9-17; 9:6-8.

What is God’s assignment for you who obey Jesus Christ?

  1. God Appointed A___________ Family to Serve as Priests to God.
    1. God kept His P__________ to Abram of making a great nation.
      1. God foretold numerous B____________. Genesis 12:1-3.
      2. God blessed those who B_____________ with His provisions and care.
      3. Through Israel’s twelve sons, God expanded Abraham’s family.
    2. God B__________ Israel with special protection and provision. Exodus 19:4-6a
    3. God established A________ and his sons as the priests. Lev. 21; Numbers 6
    4. Through the _____ years that followed, all of Israel wavered. Jeremiah 7:23-25
    5. The majority of priests and Israel rebelled, resulting in their enslavement.
    6. In God’s D_______________ of Israel, He kept His promises. Jeremiah 33:14-18
  2. C________________ Are to Be God’s Holy Priesthood. (Vs. 5, 9)
    1. Christians have been R____________ by God’s perfect sacrifice. I Peter 1:18-19
    2. E_______ person washed in the blood is a Priest (v.5) Galatians 3:27-28
    3. Vs.4-5 = You are “Living Stones” being assembled as a spiritual house…
    4. O.T. L____ required the priests to be sprinkled with the blood repeatedly, but you are sprinkled by the perfect Blood of Christ once.
      1. Hebrews 9:22 God provided His final perfect sacrifice. We gladly serve.
      2. The blood of the Lamb paid for every sin so that all may live.
    5. Have you been cleansed by Christ’s blood? Acts 22:16
  3. Believers of Jesus are the R_________ Priesthood.  (Vs. 9-12)
    1. God A_________ all disciples of Jesus into His eternal family. Romans 8:15-17
    2. Christians are part of God’s world-wide Special Forces Team.
    3. Christian Priests are the O_____ people belonging to God. The Door, John 10:7f
    4. Christ makes all Believers O_____ Priesthood as equals.
    5. We don’t D____________ or earn this Royal Status.
    6. God’s Priests are A__________ and strangers in this world.
    7. Fulfill the G_____________ commandments: love God & love people.
    8. Remain grounded on the Eternal R_______, Jesus Christ.
    9. Serve God with E_______________, allowing God to polish your rough spots.

“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

“Proper Spiritual Nutrition” I Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3

  1. Proper Spiritual Nutrition Begins With A New B____________.
    1. Peter’s letter: to people who have been born again.
      1. 1:3 “…born again to a living hope” through …
      2. V.23 Living lives of Love as a result of …
    2. For people who want H_____________. John 3:3f; involves water and God’s Spirit.
    3. The concept was not new.
      1. Exodus through Deuteronomy: A__________ & his descendants Exodus 30:17f Deuteronomy 6:5f
      2. God encouraged the Israelites: Ezekiel 36:22-27
    4. The first day of the church, God’s plan of transformation. Acts 2:38.
    5. Romans 6:3-8
  2. New Creatures in Christ Require Different F_______.
    1. The unrighteous F______ their mind on bitter evil. Romans 1:28-32
    2. I Peter 2:1 lists five deadly thoughts or actions.
      1. Malice = wickedness, ill-will or a desire to injure.
      2. Guile = deceit; a bait, lure, snare or method of entrapping.
      3. Hypocrisy = actors or fakes.
      4. Envy = Jealousy, spite; discontent, mortification or ill-will at other’s success.
      5. Slander = disparaging or belittling remarks of reputations, worth or character.
    3. I Peter 1:22 – enjoy living in God’s gift of L________ for other believers.     Remember and practice the love defined in I Corinthians 13:4-8.
    4. No more appetite for evil, but have a longing & thirst.
      1. Ps. 119 describes the importance of God’s word.
      2. John 6:35, Jesus is the B_________ of Life: eat and drink Him, (v. 63) His words.
  3. Believers in Christ Have a C_____________ for God’s Word.
    1. Newborns R____________ wholesome milk frequently & consistently. The Bible.
    2. Don’t confuse this milk of God’s word with Paul’s reprimand to immature Christians (I Corinthians 3:2) or those in Hebrews 5:12-13.
    3. Vs.2 “grow in respect to salvation, maturing into spiritual leaders.
    4. Be so filled with joy and blessing that you want to please your Savior.

Psalm 42:1-2; Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:23-25

“Live In Healthy Fear” I Peter 1:13-25

“Live In Healthy Fear” I Peter 1:13-25

“Live In Healthy Fear” I Peter 1:13-25

Do you fear God who destroys all sin, evil and corruption? Do you have a respectful fear of your loving, gracious Redeemer?

  1. Live In Fear Because Of Our H_______________ Father.
    1. He is AGAPE L______ in fullness and to the extreme.
    2. Our Father in Heaven has the final A________________.
    3. God is H_______, unique, undefiled…
    4. God P__________________ a perfect plan for all.
    5. God impartially J_____________ your work and conduct.       II Chronicles 16:9a; Psalm 11:4-7
  2. Live In Healthy Fear Of The Lord J_____________.
    1. Jesus left the perfection of H_____________.
      1. … with imperfect people.
      2. … 33 yrs. of abuse, neglect & ridicule ….
    2. Jesus lived a H________ life dedicated to God.
    3. Jesus gave His life as the S________________ for all sin.
    4. Jesus has the power of R__________________.
    5. Jesus is R_______________ … as Judge of all…
    6. Jesus calls those who obey Him … F___________.
  3. Your Fear of God Can Be A Burden or H_______________ One.
    1. Some fear God as a T____________________
    2. Some fear an U________________________ God.
    3. The B______ reveals a gracious, patient, loving & generous Creator & Provider.
    4. Believers of Jesus find H_____________ when they confess their sin.
    5. Rejecting sin in R_______________ and choosing to walk in God’s path of loving obedience changes our perspective …
    6. God’s S______________ within you helps you. John 14:23f
    7. First John 4 focuses on God’s love for us & His power to protect (V.15)

“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

“Beautiful Feet” Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:11-15

  1. How Can They C_______ On the Lord? (vs. 14a) “THEY”?
    1. The first S_____, separated man from God.
    2. Ancient cultures believed in superior P__________.
    3. The Bible says people K_____ within of their sin.
      1. Adam & Eve tried to H_____ from God. Genesis 3:8-10
      2. Israelites were terrified. Exodus 20:18f
      3. Everyone who encountered God or His angels feared. Isaiah 64:6  Romans 1:18-20
    4. No P________ is without sin or guilt. Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:23
    5. Sin results in D_______. God has a way of escape. Romans 6:23 John 3:15-18; 10:10; 14:6
  2. How Can They B____________ In the Lord? (vs. 14b)
    1. Romans 10:17
    2. John 6:63b, 68-69
    3. The whole W_______ will hear. Matthew 24:14
    4. The Good News C________ on Jesus. Acts 2:36; II Corinthians 4:5
  3. How Can They H______ Without a Preacher? (vs. 14c)
    1. Jesus H______________ 12 preachers. Matthew 4:19; Luke 10:1-17
    2. Jesus P____________ His followers. Matthew 10:16-20
    3. Not everyone will B__________. I Corinthians 1:21
    4. No person has a valid E________ for rejecting God. Romans 1:18-32
    5. Jesus will sort His followers from unbelievers. Matthew 25:31-46
  4. How Can They P________ Without Being Sent? (vs. 15a)
    1. Jesus C______________ all of His followers to share His story.
      1. Matthew 28:18-20.
      2. II Timothy 2:2.
      3. Acts 8:4.
      4. John 14:15, 21
    2. Every believer is given gifts, abilities, ministries & effects by the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4:11-13
  5. How Beautiful Are the F______ of God’s Servants! Why? (vs. 15a)
    1. Christians are God’s M______________. II Corinthians 5:20
    2. Christians F________ the most Beautiful Feet. I Peter 2:21
    3. Beauty when we see S__________ changed in Christ. Luke 15:10

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12

The New Testament is the testimony of people who personally came into contact with God in human flesh. We can possess a living hope of life in heaven with Jesus Christ.

  1. The Bible T__________ to a Living and Loving God.
    1. Peter was H_______ P__________ by Jesus.
    2. Peter was appointed as an A_____________
    3. Peter was a personal W___________ to the supernatural power of Jesus.
    4. World H____________ has been changed.
    5. All New Testament writers devoted their L________ to Jesus ChrisRemember God’s P___________________ of the Messiah.
    6. The Triune G___ continues to work in people miraculously, not scientifically.
  2.  The R_________________ of Jesus Christ is a Fact of History.
    1. F_______ are based upon reality, evidence, united testimony, etc.
      1. The New Testament records the united testimony of several eye witnesses
      2. Other first century documents also testify of the resurrection.
    2. G_____ News: there is life after death.
    3. Scripture testifies that God and Jesus are L_____.
  3. We Have A L_________ Hope that Jesus Is Returning Soon!
    1. God T_____________ those who humbly accept Jesus.
    2. We do not have to D_______ the second coming of Christ.
    3. S_____________ assures: those walking with Christ will live forever.
    4. Our Living Hope of Eternity with God is maintained through living in Faith and Love. (Vs. 8-9)
      1. God’s Spirit still speaks to hearts.
      2. God challenges you to read the evidence. John 20:30-31
      3. All with a personal testimony of God’s touch are to share with others.
      4. Don’t delay in obeying the commands of Jesus.