“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

“The Unshaken Message” II Peter 1:16-21

  1. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF P_________. (v.16-18)
    1. Peter was at first a D__________. (John 1:40-42; Luke 5:1-11).
    2. He did not consider himself W_________ of being with Jesus.
    3. Peter suffered “Foot in M_________” disease during his early years. (Matthew 26:33; John 18:10)
    4. Jesus continued to E___________ Peter.
    5. After Jesus conquered the G________, our Lord filled Peter with power. (Acts 2)
  2. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF P_____________. (v.19)
    1. God blessed the J_________ with His prophecies of a Savior for the world.
    2. Job 19:25 speaks of a L___________ Redeemer.
    3. M_______ announced that a Savior was coming as Healer and Mediator.
    4. King David S______ prophecies of the Messiah. Psalm 22; 34:20
    5. Isaiah’s writings are P________ full … the Savior. Acts 8:30f
  3. THE UNSHAKEN MESSAGE OF A__________ G_____. (v.20-21).
    1. The Bible explains the O______________ of man.
    2. All of scripture is A______________.
    3. Prophecies number in the H_____________.
    4. God’s most important prophecies foretold a S__________.
    5. I Peter 1:24-25 (Isaiah 40)
    6. Psalm 18:1-7

“The Path of the Open Door” II Peter 1:1-11

“The Path of the Open Door” II Peter 1:1-11

“The Path of the Open Door” II Peter 1:1-11

Jesus identifies Himself as the Door that leads to eternal life and blessings. (John 10)

    1. Peter tells us of a True V__________ for every Believer.
    2. Almighty God sent Jesus as our Steadfast H_____ for Life.
    3. Jesus was empowered from H___________ and was perfectly qualified to be the Savior for all Humanity. Vs. 3-4
    1. The journey begins w/ F_________ in Jesus.
    2. Be M_______________ Excellent.
    3. Be K_____________________… made in God’s image.
    4. Practice Self-C___________ with the Spirit of God in us.
    5. Persevere in R____________________.
    6. Practice G_________________; imitate your Heavenly Father.
    7. Practice brotherly K_________________. Matthew 7:12
    8. Radiate Christian L_________, patterned after Jesus.
    1. God gave you a T______________ of skills and He adds His Holy Spirit.
    2. V. 9 Failure to U____ God’s Tools amounts to rejecting Jesus.
    3. W_____________ in these qualities protects from stumbling.
    4. V. 11 Promise to the faithful in Jesus: heaven is your home.

A faithful walk with Jesus leads you to the presence of God.

“Ready To Remind You” II Peter 1:12-16

“Ready To Remind You” II Peter 1:12-16

“Ready To Remind You” II Peter 1:12-16

What do we need reminded of by men of 2000 years ago?

    1. God P_______________ a Savior at the first sin. (Genesis 3:15)
    2. M_________ wrote that someone greater than himself was coming with God’s personal message. Deuteronomy 18:15-19
    3. I___________ book is filled with prophecies of a Savior.
    4. God’s angel, G____________ foretold the Christ (Mt. 1:18f; Lk. 1:26f)
    5. Jesus was T_______________ over death & now lives in heaven. (Acts 1:9; 7:55).
    6. Jesus promised that He is R_________________. (Mt. 25:31-32).
  2. REMEMBER THE P__________ OF JESUS CHRIST. Luke 8 and 9
    1. The reaction of multitudes to His T_______________. Luke 8:40
    2. Powerful H________________. Luke 8:43f. All were healed.
    3. S________________ powers submitted to our Lord. Lk. 8:26f.
    4. Jesus had true power over N__________. (Lk. 8:23-24; Jn. 6:19; Mk. 11:13-14, 20).
    5. Remember Christ’s power to C__________. Luke 9:13f. Col. 1:16-17
    6. Jesus had the power to raise the D________. Luke 8:49-56
    1. Remember G_________ recognition of His Son. (Luke 3:22)
    2. Remember the M____________ of Transfiguration (Luke 9:28f).
    3. Remember His T____________ E_______ into Jerusalem. (Luke 19:37f)
    4. Remember His R_____________________ with angels. (Luke 24:4-8)
    5. The majesty of H____________ revealed in Revelation.
    6. The day of V___________ is coming soon. (Mt. 24:29-31; I Thes. 4:13f.)

God has given His written, eternal word, commanding us to learn it and remember it. As you live for Jesus, you will remind others of Him.

“When Do You Bend?” I Peter 5:5-14

“When Do You Bend?” I Peter 5:5-14

Are you walking with Christ, or are you walking in your own strength and power? Are you standing in God’s truth or in your own personal traditions and convictions?

  1. Humility Must Be P________________ By the Body of Christ.
    1. God gives every B_______ one or more abilities and talents.
    2. A P_______ that believers often develop: we get distracted.
    3. Recognize the source of all G______ abilities. James 1:17
    4. J_______ is our example of a Humble Servant of God.                                                           Matthew 23:11-12; Philippians 2:1f
  2. Stand Firm Against S_______, Not Against Each Other.
    1. V.8 warns us to be constantly A_______ to evil dangers.
    2. Satan is continually S__________ up to you.
    3. James 4:1f Turmoil between believers = Selfish Pride.
  3. Stand Firm With Your Faith In G____.
    1. Numbers 12:3 calls M_______ a very humble man.
    2. Psalm 18 says that t/ Lord is our R_____.
    3. You must choose to R_________ anchored in Christ.                                                              Romans 8:26, 34; Hebrews 12:7f

If God is testing you, will you stand against Him, or will you bow in humble submission?

“Leaders For Christ” I Peter 5:1-5

“Leaders For Christ” I Peter 5:1-5

  1. Elders Are To Be Leaders For Christ.
    1. Peter speaks to all E________ as a co-elder.
      1. Walking the walk of S__________ as a fellow elder.
      2. F_____________ with the sufferings of Christ.
      3. Peter’s R__________ is Heaven.
    2. Men who S_____________ the congregation (Psalm 23):
      1. …feeding & watering the flock. John 6:33-68
      2. …provide a safe place to find God’s peace.
      3. …protect believers from Satan.
      4. Two/ more to a congregation. Shepherd = Pastor: same in Greek.
    3. D_______________ to the truth of the Bible.
    4. L________ for Jesus: outstanding men of God.
    5. A H___________ for spreading the Gospel.
    6. Older M_____ who have developed wisdom.
  2. Other M_____ Are To Be Leaders For Christ. v5.
    1. S______________ to the elders.
    2. J________ is our prime example.
      1. Creator as a baby: submission to imperfect parents.
      2. Word of God as a child submitted to weak teachers.
      3. A sinless life subjected to… torture and death.
    3. H_________________ in each of us.
    4. Younger men, G________________ in God’s characteristics.
  3. Every B________________ of Jesus Is To Be A Leader For Christ.    Mark 10:42-45
    1. C_______________ in Humility. I Peter 5:5
      1. Humility is L________ helping others.
      2. Galatians 3:27 3.
      3. Romans 6:3-8
      4. Galatians 5:22-23 – first quality of the Spirit is L___________.
    2. The entire church family is to humbly S_____________.
    3. John 15:12-14

“Entrusted Souls: Mothers Doing Right” I Peter 4:19

“Entrusted Souls: Mothers Doing Right” I Peter 4:19

“Entrusted Souls: Mothers Doing Right” I Peter 4:19

God ordained the role of Mothers and honors it.

  1. Mothers Face Limitations of A_________ Bodies.
    1. S_______________ and vitality fade.
    2. God is G_________ than all physical limitations. Genesis 17:15f; Luke 1:36-37
  2. Mothers Face P____________________ and Destruction.
    1. E___________ opens with the miseries of the Israelites.
    2. All newborn males were to be T________________.
    3. God R_________________ baby Moses to his mother.
    4. Moses was trained as an E__________________, but…
  3. Mothers Face Great Distress or S__________________.
    1. First Samuel: the story of H_____________.
    2. God A________________ her prayer, giving her Samuel.
    3. Hannah only saw Samuel O_____________ each year.
  4. Some Mothers Face Their S________ Against their Husband.
    1. Infidelity has been a C_________ for ages. II Samuel 11
    2. Their sin led to: pregnancy, turmoil, death. (Leviticus 20:10)
  5. Some Mothers (& Grandmothers) Face R_______________
    1. I Kings 17 – A W________ … final meal, but God intervened.
    2. II Timothy 1:5 Timothy’s spiritual upbringing in Christ …
  6. Some Mothers Face S________, Poverty & a Transient Life.
    1. Mother of J_________, was not confirmed in marriage until after Jesus’ birth.
    2. Joseph and Mary had to accept a stable.
    3. They fled to Egypt to save their lives, then to Nazareth.
  7. Some Mothers Face Knowledge, H_______ , Purity Greater Than Themselves.
    1. God said Mary’s child would be the holy Son of God.
    2. At age 12, Jesus knew about His purpose on earth.
    3. Mary and the family thought Jesus had lost His S___________ (Mark 3:21f).

“Serve One Another” I Peter 4:7-11

“Serve One Another” I Peter 4:7-11

Christ commands every Christian to serve others.

  1. Be R_________ to enter eternity. (V. 7)
    1. I Peter 4:3 We have W_________ enough time in the old ways.
    2. Peter reminds us of ancient N________.                                                                        II Peter 2:5; Genesis 6:3
    3. Jesus spoke of His second C_____________ to earth.                                            Matthew 24:42-44
    4. Major D________ of the New Testament.                                                                      II Peter 3:8f; Revelation 22:7
  2. God Gives You Multiple G_____ to Use, Including Special Gifts.
    1. Your L_____ comes from God.                                                                                            Exodus 28:3; 31:1f; Romans 12:6-8
    2. God holds you A_________________ for their use. Matthew 25:14
    3. God gives His S_______ to every obedient believer of Christ. Acts 2:38; Galatians 5:22-23; I Peter 4:8; First Corinthians 13:4-8a
    4. The Spirit gives improved abilities: additional special G________.                  Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:4f
    5. We will be J______________ through Christ based upon our love. Matthew 25:34-40
  3. How Can You L________________ Serve Christ’s Body Today
    1. G_________ in the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23
    2. P______________ to be workers for Christ in His church.
    3. P___________________ in community & regional Christian ministry
    4. Prepare for a short-term M_____________ project.

As God’s personal representatives in this world, He commands us to do it well. Let’s serve our Savior together!

“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

“Sharing the Sufferings of Christ” I Peter 3:13-18; 4:1-5, 12-19

John 15:17-23

If you want eternal life with God, you will be sharing the sufferings of Christ.

  1. J_______ Leads in Righteousness through Sufferings (v. 18; 4:12-13)
    1. Jesus S______________________ Heaven to rectify corruption.
      1. He came as a Shepherd. 2. He faced down evil. 3. He intentionally stepped into the hands of His enemies. 4. He battled & triumphed over death.
    2. Jesus Leads His Disciples into S__________________ (4:1).
    3. God does N______ enjoy seeing His children suffer.
      1. Suffering comes from the violation of God’s will.
      2. Sin is taught and promoted by Satan.
      3. Satan is against God’s people.
    4. Jesus is V_______________ over suffering; promises victory for us.
  2. Don’t be S____________________ to Suffer for Jesus.
    1. Life with Jesus was different than the average routine.
    2. Life with Jesus R________________ His followers to speak out (3:15)
    3. Life with Jesus Demands our B_______ behavior always.
    4. A C_______________ of Friends & Habits is required. (4:4)
      1. Love the people but we must reject ALL sin.
      2. Old “friends” will be surprised…
      3. You become Light in Christ.
    5. Friendship with Jesus is forever; social friends – temporary.
    6. Real Friends will see the good in you and will want it.
    7. Your P______________: Glorify God through Jesus. 4:11
  3. Living For Jesus Is Not Easy, But It Gives The Best Rewards.
    1. Generally, to own Good things costs you something.
    2. 4:3 We have WASTED enough time in the old ways.
    3. 4:13 = Let your rejoicing in Christ multiply… Acts 4; 5:12f
    4. V. 14 God R______________ all who suffer for Jesus.
    5. V. 17-18 Final W_______________.

“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

During troubling times, remember: Noah, Joseph, the Israelites, Moses… (Exodus 3:7-8a).

Romans 8:28

Live the good qualities taught by God.


  1. Our God and Savior Are G________.
    1. Psalm 106:1-2
    2. Matthew 19:16-17a
    3. John 10:10-11, 14
    4. Acts 10:38
    5. Third John, vs.11
  2. God Wants All P__________ to Learn and Think Good.
    1. Psalm 14:1, 3m  God is a refuge. Psalm 16:1-2
    2. Warning to Israel – Isaiah 1:16-18
    3. Romans 12 – directions to live pleasing to God. Verse 21    Galatians 5:22-23
    4. The battle begins in our mind. Philippians 4:8
  3. God Wants All People to P____________ Doing Good.
    1. Philippians 4:9
    2. Follow the example of Jesus. Luke 6:27-38   – The Golden Rule: verse 31
    3. Galatians 6:9-10
    4. Take to heart the warning of I Peter 3:11.

“Inherit A Blessing” I Peter 3:8-12

“Inherit A Blessing” I Peter 3:8-12

Believers of Jesus are to inherit a Blessing.

  1. The Inheritance of This World Is T___________________.
    1. Three qualifications of inheritance both in this world & in eternity.
    2. Most people live life as if they have forever.
    3. We live on this earth only a S___________
    4. I Peter 1:17f This world’s inheritance is futile.
    5. I Peter 2:8 people inherit destruction when they reject Christ.
  2. Inherit A Blessing By Becoming An H_______.9
    1. I Peter 1:1-2 identifies “the Called.”
    2. 1:3, 23 Heirs are “born again” through the Word.   John 1:1-4, 14; Hebrews 4:12-16
    3. John 3:1-7 to be born again involves: Joel 2:28-32
    4. Rebirth on the first day of the church. Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16
    5. I Peter 2:9-10 = God’s Heirs.
    6. I Peter 5:10 believers eternally complete.
  3. Inherit A Blessing Because the O__________ Died. Colossians 1:15f.
    1. The central message of the Gospel (1:3):
    2. 1:2 believers of Jesus are sprinkled with His blood.
    3. Jesus paid for every sin by the cruelty of the cross.
    4. 1:18-21 our changed faith & hope:
    5. 2:24 Our wounds are healed because Jesus paid for them.
  4. Inherit A Blessing By G_______________ In His Characteristics.
    1. God’s characteristics that we are to have:
    2. God demands total submission to Heavenly standards.
    3. God’s Spirit enables and empowers us (3:8-11).
    4. “Put On” Christ. Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3-8
    5. With Christ, plus God’s Spirit, we produce. Galatians 5:22-23.