“HERE HE COMES!” Mark 11:1-11

“HERE HE COMES!” Mark 11:1-11

Jesus, the great Deliverer was coming!


  1. Jesus Fulfilled His P_______ of Redemption.
    1. Jesus had completed His T_______ at Jericho.
    2. Jesus was at the right P________. Mark 10:33-34, 45
    3. Jesus came to Jerusalem at the right T________.
  2. Jesus Directed His Plan With A____________.
    1. Jesus K__________ exactly where everything is. Luke 5:4f; John 2:47f; Matthew 21:2-5; Zechariah 9:9
    2. Jesus did what He C________ to do.
    3. The disciples of Jesus O___________ His directions.
  3.  Jesus is Worthy of Our P_______.
    1. The P_________ of Jesus was known by millions of people.
    2. Devout Jews were anticipating the A________ of the Messiah.
    3. Multitudes W_____________ Jesus as their Messiah. Psalm 118:25-26
    4. Jesus was C____________ by the Pharisees. Luke 19:39f              Habakkuk 2:11

Jesus is returning from Heaven soon. How will you respond?

“CONFIDENCE IN WHAT?” Mark 10:46-52

“CONFIDENCE IN WHAT?” Mark 10:46-52

Psalm 16:1-2; Matthew 20:29-34; Luke 18:35-43.

  1. A C___________ of People Converge At Jericho.
    1. J_______, the Son of God, travels through the city of Jericho.
    2. Jericho is full of P_________ headed for Jerusalem, plus a variety of residents. Matthew 1:5
    3. There are souls at Jericho that must be S_____. Luke 19:1f
  2. Faith Motivates A Person To Take A_______. James 2:14f
    1. The R_________ of Bartimaeus reveals his faith in Jesus.
    2. The C_____ for help from Bartimaeus reveals his faith in Jesus.
    3. The P___________ of Bartimaeus reveals his faith in Jesus.
  3. The Lord Hears the Cry Of Those Who T________ In Him.
    1. Jesus heard Bartimaeus over the N_____ of the multitude.  John 2:24-25; Psalm 34:15-18
    2. The Word of God C________ Bartimaeus to Himself.          Matthew 11:28
    3. Jesus asks Bartimaeus to reveal what he W________.
    4. Jesus states that the F_______ of Bartimaeus saved him.

When it comes to our salvation, Jesus is the only Savior.

Jesus Christ is our Confidence.




Jesus spoke of and lived greatness in God’s eyes.

  1. S__________________ Tries To Force A Favorable Outcome.
    1. James & John Tried To F______ Jesus to Make A Deal. V.35f Matthew 20:20
    2. Jesus did not give in to T_____. John 2:24-25; Matthew 19:28
    3. “You do not K_______ what you are asking.” V. 38 John 1:49
    4. Jesus said that reigning with Him will C______ Romans 6:3-8
  2. Guard Your Own H________ Against Sin. V. 41
    1. The other T____ disciples became indignant with James & John.
    2. The disciples were too S____ in getting to Jesus first. Mark 9:34
    3. The twelve apostles were still I___________
  3. Could You R________ That Again, Lord? V.42-45
    1. Jesus warned: Selfish Dictators R______ with an Iron Fist.
    2. God chooses to honor S__________ hearted people.
    3. Jesus says, “Look at M__. 45   John 3:16-18
    4. True F_____________ of Jesus will surrender their life to Him. I John 2:15-17
    5. Do you want to be G______ briefly or for eternity? John 15:12-14

Thankful servants of Christ are grateful for His grace.

Ephesians 2:10

James 2:14f




  1. J_______ Was Dedicated To His Work To Save Humanity.
    1. Human fellowship with God was B__________ by disobedience. Genesis 3; Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3; Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23; 6:23
    2. God planned to send a S__________ to restore unity with Him. Genesis 3:15; John 1:1-4, 14; Galatians 4:4; Hebrews 1:1-3
    3. Jesus left H__________ to be the final payment for all sin. John 1:1-4, 14; 3:16-18
    4. Jesus selected and prepared twelve D________ to continue His mission. Matthew 25:34; Ephesians 1:4
    5. Jesus began His final trip to be the perfect L______ of God.
    6. This is the F_____ time that Jesus has tried to prepare His men. Mark 8:31; 9:9, 12; Luke 9:44; Mark 9:31; 10:32-34
  2. The Apostles B___________ Dedicated To The Work Of God.
    1. The apostles were C__________ about the mission of Jesus.
    2. Jesus said that He will
    3. The apostles F_______ on the first part and missed the ending.
    4. The apostles finally became D_____________ believers in Jesus after His resurrection. I Corinthians 15:1-8
  3. We Must Become D________ to the Work of God. John 20:30-31
    1. We can O____________ confusion about Jesus. II Timothy 2:15
    2. We can have C___________ over Death through faith in Christ.
    3. Believers of Christ must be a W__________. Mark 16:15-16
    4. We must live F_________ in Jesus. Mark 10:29-30; James 1:2-4

“TIGHT SQUEEZE” Mark 10: 17-31

“TIGHT SQUEEZE” Mark 10: 17-31

  1. Who Is This G_______ Teacher?
    1. The young M____ running to Jesus …
    2. The man held Jesus in highest R__________.
    3. Jesus clarifies His personal I__________.
    4. Only G____ is good in the truest sense. Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3; 16:2; 25:8; 34:8; 52:9; 54:6; 73:1
    5. Either J_______ is God, or He is a liar, deceiver, false teacher…
  2. What Can A Person Do To I____________ Eternal Life?
    1. Life beyond the G______ was not a new concept. Job 19:25f; Psalm 23
    2. Jesus summarizes part of the T___ Commandments as the answer.          I John 4:20; Leviticus 19:18
    3. This man B___________ that he has kept all of the Law.
    4. Jesus reveals the man’s sinful W___________.
  3. We Must Guard Our Hearts from Loving this W_________.
    1. Jesus invited this man to find L_______ in Him alone. Mark 8:34f
    2. James 2:14-26
    3. The A___________ left all of their possessions to follow Jesus.
    4. We are temporary M____________ of what God entrusts to us. Colossians 1:15f
  4. God Takes Care of Believers D___________ To His Service. Psalm 50
    1. Jesus S________ His disciples with an illustration. V.25    Exodus 23:20f; Deuteronomy 28
    2. No person can be S__________ without the help of God. V.26-27
    3. Our family M_______________ when we make Jesus our Lord.     Acts 2:44f
    4. Jesus promised that believers will be P________________.




  1. Rejecting C____________ upsets Jesus.
    1. The Disciples treated children as a D________________.
    2. Jesus was very U_______ with the disciples.
    3. Jesus says that H__________ is inhabited by faithful children.
  2. S___________ Disciples upset Jesus.
    1. ‘Total B________ in God’s power is required. Mark 9:19
    2. Believers must G______ to full maturity in Christ. Ephesians 4:14-15
    3. Believers must C________ sin to God. I John 1:8-10; Romans 7:14f
  3. People who V_________ the Temple of God upset Jesus.
    1. Jesus C_________ the Temple of Jerusalem. John 2:14f; Mark 11:15f
    2. The Temple was to be a house of P_______. Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11
    3. God’s Temple is the physical B_____ of believers. I Corin. 3:16f; 6:19f
  4. Hardness of H________ upsets Jesus.
    1. … the most M_________ in Chorazin, Bethsaida … Matthew 11:20-24
    2. Jesus was R__________ and condemned. Matthew 23:13f.
    3. Guard our hearts from the D_____ of sin. Hebrews 3:12f; Mat. 7:13-14
  5. Jesus Despises People Who Make S___________ Blocks. Matthew 18:7
    1. Jesus paid the full price of sin for E______________. John 3:16-18
    2. No person is to C_______ God’s message. Galatians 1:6-9; II Tim. 2:15
  6. Corrupt L__________ upset Jesus. Matthew 23:1f
    1. Jesus is the A____________. Matthew 28:18; Colossians 2:10
    2. Every H_______ is subject to a higher authority. Rom. 13:1f; Acts 5:29
  7. Jesus Fights against the power of D_______ in our lives. II Peter 3:9
    1. God repeatedly W________ people against sin. Genesis 2:17; 4:7
    2. Jesus came as the F________ payment for all sin. John 10:1f; 14:6
    3. Jesus has won the V_______ over death and is returning. John 5:29

“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

“One Plus One Equals One” Mark 10:2-12

Matthew 19:3-12

  1. People Have C____________ the Righteous Design of Marriage.
    1. Sinners came to T_____ the righteousness of Jesus (v. 2-4).
    2. Jesus directed the Jews to R______ God’s Law.  Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 20:10; Numbers 5:11f; Deuteronomy 24:1-4
  2. Marriage was Designed and Instituted by G______.
    1. Jesus reminds them of God’s original P_____ for marriage. Genesis 2:23f God combines the two into one.
    2. God’s design of marriage is a C_________________ of unselfish love.
    3. No attempt to D___________ a marriage is 100% successful.
  3. Marriage Following God’s Design Must C____________ Today.
    1. Misunderstandings, S____ & rebellion plague marriage unions.
    2. God made the first woman as a H_________ for the first man.  Genesis 2:18
    3. Jesus says that M_____ men need a wife. Matthew 5:27-32
    4. Marriage is a T___ W____ Exodus – Deuteronomy; First Corinthians 6-7; II Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5
    5. Both husband and wife belong to C________.      I Corinthians 6:20

As Christians we must stand in God’s truth through the grace given to us in Jesus Christ. Be an example to those around you by graciously living in the commands of our Savior.





  1. Jesus Calls All P__________ To the Work of God.
    1. The Lord is in His T________ year of ministry.                Mark 1:14f; John 3:16-18; Matthew 11:28f; Acts 1:21f
    2. The twelve A___________ are frustrated with another man.
  2. Jesus C___________ and Approves Those Who Serve Him.
      1. A person is B___________ by God when they obey His will through Jesus. Matthew 5:3-12
      2. Jesus W_________ the disciples to not stop anyone doing the will of God in the power of His name. Acts 19:11f
      3. A___________ working in His name will not be able to speak evil of Christ in due time.
      4. There are only T___ sides to choose from in the spiritual battle. Matthew 6:24; Revelation 3:16
      5. There are E____________ consequences for turning someone away from God. Romans 6
  3. God’s Servants Must Work T____________ In His Word of Truth.
  1. Jesus prayed for the U_____ of all His followers. John 17:20-21
  2. Each B________ must learn to walk with God and His servants.          Numbers 11:24-29; Acts 10-11; Acts 18:24f; Acts 19:1-7
  3. Servants of Christ must be F___________ to His word of Truth. John 14:15
  4. Be careful about J__________ Matthew 7:1f Galatians 5:22-23
  5. Be at P_________ with fellow believers in Him.

II Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17


“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

“BRING IN THE CHILDREN” Mark 9:33f; 10:13f

  1. Mankind has a Problem Called S________________. V.34
    1. The Disciples argued about who was the G___________ among them.
    2. The M________________ were also selfish. John 6:15
    3. Selfish attitudes must be T__________ through discipline.          Luke 12:7; John 1:1f; 3:16
  2. Jesus Teaches That All Believers Must S________ Others. This attitude is the opposite of our nature, but it is NECESSARY!
    1. Jesus clarified the G_______ Rule of the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12
    2. The most important person is the S_________. Mark 9:35
    3. The condition of a person’s H_______ is emphasized by Moses. Mark 12; Deuteronomy 6:4-5; I Corinthians 13
    4. We must lovingly receive the least I______________ people.
  3. Jesus Wants Us To B________ In The Children. (10:13f)
    1. The disciples were R____________ the children being brought.
    2. Jesus became I_________toward the disciples! Colossians 1:16
    3. Receiving a child = receive Jesus = receive Mark 9:37
    4. A____________ is guilty of the same rejection! Psalm 127:3
    5. G_____ gives life to children.
    6. As S__________ of Jesus, Christians are to teach all people.




Hebrews 11:1 defines Faith.

The twelve hand-picked disciples of Jesus had to learn how not to be guilty of little faith through Jesus.

  1. The Disciples Faced Challenges G__________ than Themselves.
    1. Peter, James & John had just experienced the T______ of seeing Jesus with Moses and Elijah; but the others…
    2. The twelve D____________ had the power of the Holy Spirit.           Mark 6:7ff; 8:29; Matthew 16:16
    3. The disciples ran into a S____________ V. 29               Matthew 17:20-21
  2. W__ Face Challenges Greater Than Ourselves.
    1. Jesus teaches that there is a spiritual B_______ raging now. Matthew 12:30
    2. The A___________ were very aware of the spiritual war.                    Luke 11:23-26; Ephesians 6
    3. …If good men do N___________, then evil will thrive…
  3. We Must Face These Challenges With G___________ Faith.
    1. Prayer, fasting and walking by F_______ became the standard of living for the first century disciples. John 4:35
    2. Just as the first century C__________ boldly proclaimed God’s Word, we, too, must tell others of life in Jesus.
    3. Just as Jesus was C_________ of His twelve disciples, He is critical of our faith and obedience. Matthew 10:32-33
    4. Jesus warns all of His disciples. Revelation 3:15-16, 20                                                                    Matthew 5:13-16

Let us NOT be guilty of “Little Faith.”