- How Can They C_______ On the Lord? (vs. 14a) “THEY”?
- The first S_____, separated man from God.
- Ancient cultures believed in superior P__________.
- The Bible says people K_____ within of their sin.
- Adam & Eve tried to H_____ from God. Genesis 3:8-10
- Israelites were terrified. Exodus 20:18f
- Everyone who encountered God or His angels feared. Isaiah 64:6 Romans 1:18-20
- No P________ is without sin or guilt. Psalm 14:1-3; Romans 3:23
- Sin results in D_______. God has a way of escape. Romans 6:23 John 3:15-18; 10:10; 14:6
- How Can They B____________ In the Lord? (vs. 14b)
- Romans 10:17
- John 6:63b, 68-69
- The whole W_______ will hear. Matthew 24:14
- The Good News C________ on Jesus. Acts 2:36; II Corinthians 4:5
- How Can They H______ Without a Preacher? (vs. 14c)
- Jesus H______________ 12 preachers. Matthew 4:19; Luke 10:1-17
- Jesus P____________ His followers. Matthew 10:16-20
- Not everyone will B__________. I Corinthians 1:21
- No person has a valid E________ for rejecting God. Romans 1:18-32
- Jesus will sort His followers from unbelievers. Matthew 25:31-46
- How Can They P________ Without Being Sent? (vs. 15a)
- Jesus C______________ all of His followers to share His story.
- Matthew 28:18-20.
- II Timothy 2:2.
- Acts 8:4.
- John 14:15, 21
- Every believer is given gifts, abilities, ministries & effects by the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4:11-13
- How Beautiful Are the F______ of God’s Servants! Why? (vs. 15a)
- Christians are God’s M______________. II Corinthians 5:20
- Christians F________ the most Beautiful Feet. I Peter 2:21
- Beauty when we see S__________ changed in Christ. Luke 15:10