“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

“B ALL GOD WANTS U-2-B” Galatians 6:11-18

Paul is writing in bold, heavy letters for emphasis. It is URGENT, so let’s pay attention to Paul’s closing words to the churches of Galatia and to us.

  1. _______________ OF THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE A GOOD SHOW.
    1. Paul warns against trying to live as a _______-______________ Galatians 5:4
    2. Mosaic Law is God’s _________ Law Romans 3:23 Isaiah 53:6
    3. V.13, The teachers could not keep the Law themselves.
    4. God only commanded this rule for Abraham’s family, then Jacob’s. John 14:15                                         B ALL JESUS WANTS U 2 B.
      1. God did not intend the Law to be used as a ____________________ system. Matthew 7:21-23
      2. Israel was not in ___________ standing with God.
      3. Jesus & His disciples were frequently ______________ about their lifestyle. 6:1f
        1. The Disciples were …
        2. Jesus ___________ a man’s withered hand.
        3. LAW required __________ to stay away.                                                                                             * Jesus did not become _________________                                                                             Christ Was Being ALL GOD WANTED HIM 2 B
  3. I MUST BECOME A NEW _____________________  (Vrs. 14-16).
    1. Galatians 3:27-29 __________________ with Christ at their immersion.
    2. Romans 6:3-11 “consider yourselves to be _______ to sin, but _______ to God in Christ Jesus.”
    3. Romans 12:1-2 = Dedicate our time, energy, talent and treasure to God.
    4. Galatians 5:24-25

Have I Become ALL GOD WANTS ME 2 B?      Live your faith in Jesus Christ!