“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

“Think and Do Good” I Peter 3:8-12

During troubling times, remember: Noah, Joseph, the Israelites, Moses… (Exodus 3:7-8a).

Romans 8:28

Live the good qualities taught by God.


  1. Our God and Savior Are G________.
    1. Psalm 106:1-2
    2. Matthew 19:16-17a
    3. John 10:10-11, 14
    4. Acts 10:38
    5. Third John, vs.11
  2. God Wants All P__________ to Learn and Think Good.
    1. Psalm 14:1, 3m  God is a refuge. Psalm 16:1-2
    2. Warning to Israel – Isaiah 1:16-18
    3. Romans 12 – directions to live pleasing to God. Verse 21    Galatians 5:22-23
    4. The battle begins in our mind. Philippians 4:8
  3. God Wants All People to P____________ Doing Good.
    1. Philippians 4:9
    2. Follow the example of Jesus. Luke 6:27-38   – The Golden Rule: verse 31
    3. Galatians 6:9-10
    4. Take to heart the warning of I Peter 3:11.