“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12
“Possess A Living Hope” I Peter 1:1-12
The New Testament is the testimony of people who personally came into contact with God in human flesh. We can possess a living hope of life in heaven with Jesus Christ.
- The Bible T__________ to a Living and Loving God.
- Peter was H_______ P__________ by Jesus.
- Peter was appointed as an A_____________
- Peter was a personal W___________ to the supernatural power of Jesus.
- World H____________ has been changed.
- All New Testament writers devoted their L________ to Jesus ChrisRemember God’s P___________________ of the Messiah.
- The Triune G___ continues to work in people miraculously, not scientifically.
- The R_________________ of Jesus Christ is a Fact of History.
- F_______ are based upon reality, evidence, united testimony, etc.
- The New Testament records the united testimony of several eye witnesses
- Other first century documents also testify of the resurrection.
- G_____ News: there is life after death.
- Scripture testifies that God and Jesus are L_____.
- F_______ are based upon reality, evidence, united testimony, etc.
- We Have A L_________ Hope that Jesus Is Returning Soon!
- God T_____________ those who humbly accept Jesus.
- We do not have to D_______ the second coming of Christ.
- S_____________ assures: those walking with Christ will live forever.
- Our Living Hope of Eternity with God is maintained through living in Faith and Love. (Vs. 8-9)
- God’s Spirit still speaks to hearts.
- God challenges you to read the evidence. John 20:30-31
- All with a personal testimony of God’s touch are to share with others.
- Don’t delay in obeying the commands of Jesus.