“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

“Clear the Way for the Lord” Isaiah 40:1-11

  1. I__________ Needed to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. Israel – some progress in H_______________ themselves. Isaiah 36-37. Note Isaiah 37:36.
    2. God wants more than the K__________ faith & righteousness.
    3. V.6-8 People are as frail as F____________ & G_________.
    4. V.9 I______________________ were chosen to bring God’s message of salvation to all nations.
    5. V.10-11 God’s mighty M___________ was coming … like a Shepherd.
  2. J__________ – Clear the Way for the Lord A SECOND TIME.
    1. Judah was spared, returned to neglect, exiled, delivered….
    2. ________ years of silence … Daniel’s prophecies fulfilled.
    3. God’s P_____________ Matthew 3:1-10
    4. Malachi 3:1 – J________ the immerser came to clear the way.
    5. J_________ arrived – perfect words -example. Matthew 11:28-30.
    6. S_________________ described the Messiah, but most rejected Him.
    7. The S_________________ fulfilled the greatest need: REDEMPTION & RESTORATION TO GOD.
  3. W___ All Need to Clear the Way for the Lord.
    1. God deals with individuals and nations. The USA has wandered away from God. WE MUST FOCUS ON GOD!
    2. R______________ joy, hope, the King and Lord.
    3. Jesus lived a perfect life then became our Sacrifice. I John 3:16-18
    4. Continue to G_________ in love.
    5. People need the Living B_________: Jesus. You have His Spirit to work.
    6. We each do our part removing B_____________.
    7. Jesus is returning: CLEAR THE WAY FOR THE LORD.