“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

“THE SAVIOR FOR ALL” Isaiah 9:1-2; 49:5-6; Lk.2:25-32

God foretold that He would send His Servant for all. He sent His own Son to restore a sweet, loving relationship with Him.      Isaiah 53:6; 42:1-9

  1. The Savior of the _________________.
    1. God appointed ____________ of Nazareth. Matthew 1:16-25
    2. Joseph was a ________________. Matthew 13:54-55
    3. God ________________ Joseph to raise Jesus. Luke 2:21f
    4. Parents, train the children. Ephesians 6:4
  2. The Savior of the common ________________.
    1. ____________ announced to shepherds. Luke 2:8-20
    2. A ________________ boy anointed King of Israel. I Samuel 16
    3. The ___________ said to shepherds…. Luke 2:10-11
    4. Jesus came for the every-day worker…
    5. Jesus is still the _________of the every-day worker.
  3. Jesus is the Savior of Society’s ________.
    1. Matthew 2:1-12 records the arrival of _________.
    2. These searchers were the ___________.
    3. ________________ traveled far by a STAR. Numbers 24:17
    4. They F_____ D_______ in worship!
    5. Jesus is still worthy. Philippians 2:9-11
  4. Jesus is the Savior of E_______ P_________.
    1. Jesus touched every level of ____________. John 3:16-18
    2. Jesus loves ______________. Matthew 19:14
    3. Jesus loves frustrated ____________. Matthew 11:28-30
    4. Jesus saves the _____________. He mingled with ALL!
    5. All who ___________ and obey are welcomed by Jesus.

Jesus is the Savior for all! His blessings are sweeter than sugar or honey and last forever.