“THE CREATOR IS COMING” Psalm 33:6-12, 18-22

What is your reaction to the Creator?

  1. THE COMING OF THE CREATOR WAS A_______________.
    1. God repeatedly foretold that a S___________ was coming.
    2. The patriarch, Job, spoke of the H_____ of Humanity. Job 19:25f
    3. The Creator of all did not F_________ nor neglect His creation.
    4. Bible scholars refer to Isaiah as the Messianic P_____________.  Isaiah 49:6
    1. God promised a F___________________ to the Creator’s arrival. Malachi 4:5-6
    2. The M___________ of Jesus were evidence that He was Creator. John 20:30-31
    3. The New Testament opens with the life story of the M_________.
    4. Jesus F_______________ all the prophecies about God’s Savior.
    5. C____________ lives of Christians testify of the power of Christ.
  3. THE CREATOR HAS P______________ TO RETURN. V.18f        Hebrews 9:27-28
    1. Jesus came the first time as the final P__________ for human sin.
    2. Jesus told several P_____________ about the coming Judgment.
    3. Jesus will return with the A__________ of heaven to claim all His followers.

Don’t wait until His ticket gate closes.