“Be Wise and Innocent” Romans 16:17f

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    Guard Yourself Against D______________ Among The Believers.

    1. God’s word is Truth and does not C___________ with time.        Psalm 117
    2. Jesus warned us to guard ourselves against F________ teachers. Matthew 7:15-16, 20-23; John 14
    3. All who change God’s Word are under God’s C________. Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32f; Galatians 1:6f
  2. There Continues To Be Great C______________ Regarding Truth.
    1. Do NOT B___________ every word that you are told these days.           Psalm 119:105; II Timothy 3:16-17
    2. Do not accept every P______________ or church as God’s.
    3. Many churches actually lead people A_________ from God. John 14:6, 15, 23; 17:1f
  3. Don‘t Over Commit Yourself To “Good” O__________________. 
    1. Everything we do is to G_________ Christ Jesus. Colossians 3:17
    2. Christians are commanded to M__________ more in Christ.                  I Thessalonians 4:1, 10         ARE WE BEING STINGY WITH OUR TIME, TALENT & TREASURE? 
    3. Avoid places and people that are teaching false D____________.

Let’s all be found in Christ; Wise and Innocent.